Biggest Life Achievement so far?


Insane, but humble
So, as I transition into 16 years old, I've come to realize that life is full of stuff and memories people experiences. So my question is what is your biggest achievement so far in your life?

Mine would be finding myself again after going through a "Shy Kid" Phase with the help of a certain special someone. But I will have much more and bigger life achievements as I progress through life.

Happy Birthday.

Well, the things I could have done vs what I have done is pretty big, but I guess what I'm most PROUD of is having very good friends and family, having a good education from a great school, and my drive to learn instruments and create music. I'd also love to improve my art skills, but my friends tell me I'm pretty good, though I take it with a grain of salt. My greatest accomplishment, I'd say, is the impression I've given on people I know and my teachers. My teachers and friends respect me and enjoy me, and any happiness I can give to them is tenfold for myself.
Focusing my time and energy on art and writing in order to do what I'm able to do now. Other than that, as a 13 year old, I've never actually achieved anything that I can say is great enough to be a 'life achievement'. Does 'discovering myself early' count as an achievement?
Biggest achievement so far is... uh... um... CHICKENZ?



Mines the same as yours SMF but i didn't have a certain special someone. The more i hung out with my older brother's (he graduated last year) friends who are still in school, the more people I met and hung out with whom they've hung out with.
I won approximately AUD 25,000 from casino within 2 days, that's the biggest achievement I ever had in my life. Probably, the last achievement I could ever achieved from casino. But Some portions of the money is gone now =.=

Happy Birthday

It is good to see people are celebrating their birthday, I hardly celebrate my own birthday >_>
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I just got back from a scholarship awards ceremony at school.
I think my biggest accomplishment lies in this: I got the award for the most outstanding student (4 years) in the Math department. Hells yeah.

And also, happy 16th anniversary of the day you were born.
Happy Birthday!
My biggest achievement was coming to India, not knowing English (had it 2 years in school before, failed it both times) and then joining a public school here, learning english on my own. Which lead me to an A-Levels Degree, a couple of amazing jobs and a Bachelore in Business in Management, all gotten in India.
So yea coming-to/overcoming India would have to be it right now. Alot of great things wouldn't have happened otherwise
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Am I the only one here who can't pinpoint a "greatest achievement" in my life? DOTH I HAVE NO LIFE-ETH?
Am I the only one here who can't pinpoint a "greatest achievement" in my life? DOTH I HAVE NO LIFE-ETH?

Your not the only danny.

I can't really say anything yet. I've learned to draw better, but that's no real achievement. :/
My greatest achievement in life is... when I learnt how to open a bottle of coke

OK, seriously, I don't really have a particularly "great" life achievement.. sure I've had some achievements, like... getting a G grade in my Geography exam... or about 25%
which is well and truly an 'F' in the equivalent North American grade (seeing as you need at least 59% to get a 'D' -- why is there no 'E')?
The grading in the UK goes A*, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, all of which are officially passes. Then you get 'U' which is basically "unsatisfactory", and is a confirmed fail. Note that while D-G are also classed as a pass, officially, some employers only accept C or higher. There are also 2 temporary grades in the form of 'X' when a grade cannot be given, because only part of the exam/coursework was done, and a 'Q' grade, if the grade has to be questioned.

OK that 25% is totally not an achievemnt
. I suppose any general "finally doing something on a game I've been trying to do for some time" type thing is a good achievement.
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Am I the only one here who can't pinpoint a "greatest achievement" in my life? DOTH I HAVE NO LIFE-ETH?

Your not the only danny.

I can't really say anything yet. I've learned to draw better, but that's no real achievement. :/
YAY, I'M NOT ALONE! *lunge hugs*

I've done a few things that I'm pretty proud of I guess, but nothing too crazy or out there I don't think. There's nothing that stands out, anyway. Most of my achievements revolve around persisting with something until I finally get an answer that I'm satisfied with, but everyone does that, rofl.

My greatest achievement in life is... when I learnt how to open a bottle of coke

OK, seriously, I don't really have a particularly "great" life achievement.. sure I've had some achievements, like... getting a G grade in my Geography exam... or about 25%
which is well and truly an 'F' in the equivalent North American grade (seeing as you need at least 59% to get a 'D' -- why is there no 'E')?
The grading in the UK goes A*, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, all of which are officially passes. Then you get 'U' which is basically "unsatisfactory", and is a confirmed fail. Note that while D-G are also classed as a pass, officially, some employers only accept C or higher. There are also 2 temporary grades in the form of 'X' when a grade cannot be given, because only part of the exam/coursework was done, and a 'Q' grade, if the grade has to be questioned.

OK that 25% is totally not an achievemnt
. I suppose any general "finally doing something on a game I've been trying to do for some time" type thing is a good achievement.
I think it's an achievement. I would be proud with that grade.
Something I'm truly proud of? Not sure, maybe getting into university, but my life is mainly smaller achievements.
My greatest achievement in life is... when I learnt how to open a bottle of coke

OK, seriously, I don't really have a particularly "great" life achievement.. sure I've had some achievements, like... getting a G grade in my Geography exam... or about 25%
which is well and truly an 'F' in the equivalent North American grade (seeing as you need at least 59% to get a 'D' -- why is there no 'E')?
The grading in the UK goes A*, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, all of which are officially passes. Then you get 'U' which is basically "unsatisfactory", and is a confirmed fail. Note that while D-G are also classed as a pass, officially, some employers only accept C or higher. There are also 2 temporary grades in the form of 'X' when a grade cannot be given, because only part of the exam/coursework was done, and a 'Q' grade, if the grade has to be questioned.

OK that 25% is totally not an achievemnt
. I suppose any general "finally doing something on a game I've been trying to do for some time" type thing is a good achievement. do you manage to fail a geography exam? I find it difficult to fail even in math. I would actually have to TRY to fail in order to do so.
I survived the end of the world yesterday

Anyways... Hmm, well I get good grades? I don't think i'm really old enough to have any major accomplishments. Something I may find a big accomplishment now will seem like nothing in the future (hopefully).