Black Ops Discussion Thread

Yes <.< I may have gotten a little too excited over a bleep-bloop, but it was mostly my perfectionist side kicking in.
The PHD Flopper. How I love you so. However it is my second priority after Juggernog.
Ah, same! A wonderful perk combo to have, especially if you aren't solo. That's actually how I survived long enough to get the achievement. My brother held off most of the zombies with his Raygun while I flopped death from above. 'course, the ZeusCannon was always there for whenever I got into a pickle. The only pickle it didn't save me from was when I dolphin-dived into a group of zombies running up the stairs. I didn't touch the ground, so no BOOM. Instead, I jumped right into the waiting arms of the undead...we didn't make it much farther after I lost my Awful Lawton and ZeusCannon.
I camp right there at the PHD Flopper. You know where right? I dive down those stairs and BOOM! It's so beautiful to kill them like that.
And if things get messy then I use the Lunar Lander and get the fudge out of there.
You just have to watch your back. And don't dive ONTO the zombies like I disaster, even with Juggernog.
I hate those Darn Monkeys. Taking my Perks, looking all cocky and stuff. I hate them. I've learned not to get Quick revive and only go between Juggernog and the Flopper.
Yessir. They (the monkeys) aren't hard to kill, but it's generally not a good idea to have more perks than players (unless you have Juggernog and Quick Revive, since those are fairly easy to simultaneously protect).
Yessir. They (the monkeys) aren't hard to kill, but it's generally not a good idea to have more perks than players (unless you have Juggernog and Quick Revive, since those are fairly easy to simultaneously protect).

I just had a thought..... In later rounds Claymores will be my friend against those Damn Monkeys. Yes they will..................
Unless more than two target the perk machine. The only way for that to really work is to continue piling up claymores at machines after every round/max ammo, then guard your most valued perk yourself. Because two claymores per machine probably ain't gonna cut it.

But I hadn't thought of using claymores before, so it's something I may try out in the future =) Hopefully no zombies will run by the machine, though...
Hmm.... Since I camp near the Flopper there's a good chance of them blowing up there since the PHD Flopper is near a Zombie Spawn Point.

So I guess I could put my trust into the Claymores to protect Jugggernog. *Gulps*
Uh... Can I ask a question. I was browsing the web and I found this cutscence with JFK n' pals vs. Zombies, and, if I might ask, WTF?!!!

Can someone please explain this to me! PLEASE!
Well, There's a very popular zombies mode (Which I love!) in Call of Duty Black ops. You fight Hordes of seemingly endless Zombies.

There is a story line to it which started in COD 5. A very cool story I might add. As to what you saw, it is that zombie mode, HOWEVER! That Map of the Zombies you saw is a level in which It is a fun reward for passing the campaign and has nothing to do with the story live whatsoever. You play as JFK, Robert McNamara, Nixon and Castro. So that's what you saw.
No flaming intended, but I must say this.

If you played one CoD game, you've played them all.
They all have very similar gameplay mechanics, but the experience is always different.
Were it me, I'd go with Sleight of Hand and a suppressor on the AK.
I tried a new stradegy in Ascension. I go and buy the Sickle ASAP after Juggernog. It pays for itself in no time, but I have to get it early in the game. It went quite well, though I died on 22 on my PHD Flopper failing me.
Meh...the Sickle is okay, but it becomes near-worthless once it's no longer a one-hit kill. I feel safer taking my chances with the box.
SMF, do you ever have problems with connecting to LIVE? Especially with Black Ops, I'm always getting connection errors. I don't know if it's my ISP, router, or my Xbox, but it's certainly aggravating :/ I've tried opening numerous ports with little results...