Black Ops Discussion Thread

I'm sure that some of you guys have heard of DTH (DefendtheHouse), right? Well, they came out with a new Black Ops mythbusting video a few days ago. If you haven't already checked it out, here it is:

That double-knife Just lovely =)
^Aw shit. I bet this is going to be happening all the time until the next patch. I guess it's zombies time.
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Darn. I was so close to completing the Node Puzzle yesterday. But then the game disconnected from Internet! DANG IT!!!!!!!!
The game froze when we were going to spell out L-U-N-A, Bummer. :/
It's such a convoluted puzzle with a rather disappointing reward, so I'm content with just watching it on Youtube. I wouldn't mind trying to help you sometime, though, if my internet connection wasn't so randomly buggy. Some days it kicks butt, and other days it's just abysmal...
It's such a convoluted puzzle with a rather disappointing reward, so I'm content with just watching it on Youtube. I wouldn't mind trying to help you sometime, though, if my internet connection wasn't so randomly buggy. Some days it kicks butt, and other days it's just abysmal...

There's so many theories to a possible next step.

Some say you fight you way to the PaP and everyone get's a third Wonder Weapon. (Dempsey gets the Wunderwaffe, Nikolia gets the Freeze Gun, Takeo get's the Ray Gun, and Richtofen gets the Thunder Gun.

Others say you go onto a Lunar Lander that takes you to a new hidden area where you fight Sam.

And some say, getting the Death Machine Means you did it wrong.

But naw....... I think that's about it.
I'm pretty certain that that's it. I think that people are disappointed with how the Easter Egg ends, but oh well. I doubt that getting the Death Machines means you goofed, seeing as Gersch is freed from containment. Reportedly, returning to the PaP machine does nothing special, and I doubt that Treyarch would have players fight Sam. Honestly, I doubt that we'll ever get to fight Sam, but if we do, it'll be in a later map pack, not the first, for Black Ops.
Whether or not you actually fight Sam, it'll probably be a short run in where you just damage her enough then she gives up trying to fight you (For now).

They wouldn't end the storyline so soon.
'course not. Not while people will still buy the map packs ;D

Hey, do you know if the Black Ops leaderboard records your score if you're playing Zombies on Solo?
Not sure :/

I should check next time I play.
So. Reznov.

When did you figure out that he wasn't real? I honestly didn't get it until Mason broke out of the chair, so it was a pleasant plot twist. And when I replayed the campaign for intel, I picked up on a ton of clues alluding to Reznov's non-existence. The one thing I don't understand is how Mason managed to do some things on Rebirth by himself, such as killing the first guard with a hatchet while simultaneously taking out the chap that Reznov is shown killing.
I found out at that mission too.

And as for that, since you play as Mason, you see what Mason sees. So he could've just imagined that Reznov was killing that guy or maybe that guy wasn't even there in the first place.
I guess that makes sense.

Okay, question number two: in your sig, where did you get that information?

Wait what?.................................

Um......... Song Distraction!


1:31 is the familiar part. First Person who guesses why I posted this song gets a cookie.

And as for you question....

Stuff all over COD Wiki....

For example, the name. The word Ascension was found in the objectives list in the mission "Revelations" as well as the word, Echelon.

There are also easter eggs in which you can hear the voices of the "Five" characters in Ascension, which brings up the possibility of being them again.

As for the new enemy type. Kino had Gas zombies, five had the Thief, and Ascension had the monkeys. So will the next have something new? Maybe?

And other such stuff.
Uh, for the song, is it related to one of the perk machine tunes?

And I hope that they don't bring back the Five folks. I mean, the map was okay, but I'd much rather have Treyarch continue the main Zombie storyline.

And Reznov is dead.
WRONG! It's the song that you can hear in the Map Havana whenever you go in that one house. And as for Reznov. He is still alive.

D'oh. Well, at least I knew it was related to Black Ops

And last I checked, Reznov was chilling outside of Vorkuta with some angry AK-47 wielding Soviets.

Coincidence? I think not. Unless it is. In which I fail :/
Wow, that IS interesting. Black Ops if full of ambiguity, it seems. There's the question of whether or not
Mason killed JFK, for instance. It's heavily implied that he had a hand in the assassination, if nothing else.

Personally, if Hudson says Reznov is dead, I have to assume that he knows it for a fact. I don't think Hudson would tell Mason repeatedly that Reznov was gone unless he had solid intel on the matter.
He just probably assumes it since it seems impossible he survived the escape. If nothing else, he was captured and sent back to Vorkuta.

If the Soviets captured him - which they presumably did - wouldn't they have just killed him? I mean, he engineered a prison break that caused the slaughter of a great number of guards and soldiers.

Still. If Infinity Ward can toss Captain Price into the Gulag for Modern Warfare 2, I guess there's no reason Treyarch wouldn't save Reznov once again.