Current Anime Watching

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I'm currently watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, a lot of friends were talking about it and I just thought: Why don't give it a shot?
I'm at the 1st season of Stardust Crusaders, and it's really a very cool anime.
Currently watching Nodame Cantabile, Kimi to Boku, ReZero, Jojo's Bizarre Adventures part 4 (Diamond), KonoSuba, Sakamoto desu ga, Yondemasuyo Azazel-san Z.

Although I say currently watching, it's not constant, I watch some of each at separate times. Of course, I don't have a choice when it comes to the ones airing this season though, like ReZero, Sakamoto, and Jojo 4.

ReZero has to be the biggest surprise this season, or actually this year so far. Erased almost took the AOTY award until this anime came and snatched it away. :P So excited for summer season as well, so many good shows with great potential. Can't wait. We might see something even better. Anime truly is evolving rather quickly.
I am currently watching Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso. I've read a lot of good reviews about this anime so I decided to watch it. And true enough, it is really good, indeed! I hope it has a good ending, though.
I'm currently watching "Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?". Oh boy, I'm loving every second of it! The characters are great, somewhat unique. And it's about multiplayer game, so that's even better. :D I can recommend it for everyone. And if your main interest is the "plot", there is a lot of it too. :p
I'm currently watching Case Closed. It's about a detective kid that goes around solving cases. He is really an adult but he gets drugged and has to live like a child.
The only Animes I have been keeping up with lately has to be One Punch Man and Dragon Ball Super. I have heard of a few I'm curious to check out like Attack On Titan but I noticed how short the series is. I'm not really into one season shows cause if I get hooked then I just feel like it isn't enough. Who likes being teased right, but if I had a remake in mind it would be Dragon Ball Z to modern days standards and Rurouni Kenshin.
Date a Live and The Third: Girl with the blue eye.
The two new Danganronpa anime and Taboo Tattoo.

@Demon_Skeith when you get a chance or when more episodes come out, you should definitely check out Taboo Tattoo. Some good action <3
Recently started watching The Irregular at Magic Highschool. There's this weird incest crush thing going on between the main character and his sister. In most of the animes I've watched, it's usually like a step sibling. But nope, they state explicitly that they are blood related. Oh japan, You so crazy!
As of right now, I'm only really watching Dragon Ball Super. It kills me that it only comes on once a week. I'm also on episode 16 of Future Diary. I got busy and forgot to watch more. Though, I have one friend who wants me to watch Hunter x Hunter and another friend who wants me to watch Re: Zero.
I am currently watching:

Madlax, Little Witch Academia, Samurai gun, Tokyo ghoul, Dragon ball super, Attack on titan season 2, Jo jo's bizarre adventure, Gundam unicorn, Hunter X Hunter, Baruto, Samuari Jack.
Currently watching One Piece, so excited about Sanji's story arc (questline), Shingeki no Kyojin S2 and Naruto Shippuuden to catch up before starting Boruto.
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