Daily GL General Chat

Not sure, to be honest. Some other family members use it often. I just saw it said hay fever tablet, saw that it said to take one, and I took it. Didn't bother reading it much because I was suffering too much :rofl:

Been there and experienced that lol.
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Former F-14 Tomcat Combat Pilot "Mooch" and former F/A - 18 Hornet Combat pilot "Hozer" talk about DCS' F/A -18 Hornet Raven One: Dominant Fury story campaign and many other combat pilot and fighter stuff, nice:
Grabbing any games for this Steam sale?
unfortunately nothing interests me enough. The one game I am interested in getting is not on discount, Fobia St. Dinfna Hotel, coming out June 28th.
Saw this lol
Ps5 Vs Xbox SeX lol
Ps5 or Switch lol:



Saw fan made Batman animation:
Saw a video of Titan Bug Vs Emperor Scorpion battle
saw a video on ninja's jumping down from heights technique:
I finally have a week of vacation so I'm doing some nice relaxing. Like last night I beat Xenoblade Chronicles X just in time for 3 and today I started watching the Neon Genesis Evangelion classic dub. I can tell its gonna be a really good week.