Do you think Microsoft and Sony will release a tablet which is similar to the Nintendo Switch?


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Microsoft and Sony both already make tablets. But Microsoft's Windows Surface tablets are mainly designed for work, and school, and Sony's Xperia Z Android tablets are mainly for entertainment, and basic work tasks.

I think Microsoft, and Sony may create a Gaming tablet with removable gamepad controllers if enough people are interested in Gaming on a tablet with a removable gamepad controllers, and want to play Xbox and Playstation exclusive games on a Gaming Tablet device with physical controls.

I guest, Sony can make a bigger more powerful version of the PSP Vita to create a Gaming tablet experience. The Vita already has a touchscreen and touch pad on the back of the console, so Sony can make a Vita with a 6-7 inch screen, more RAM, faster graphic chips, and a more powerful processor, so it can run higher quality games.
I see them possibly doing this to keep in the gaming market to be honest. Nintendo really have pulled a good one out of their sleeves this time and I feel that if Sony or Microsoft feel they can do better then they will more than likely try. I would love to see something from either company if I am honest.
I agree, Microsoft ans Sony seem to copy Nintendo a lot like how both Sony came out with those motion controllers, and how Microsoft copied Nintendo by adding custom Avatars to Xbox Live.
It won't be the first time that Sony or Microsoft have tried to copy Nintendo. Nintendo was the first to come out with a "wireless" controller and it wasn't long before Sony and Microsoft followed suit. I wouldn't doubt it if Sony and/or Nintendo tried to come up with something to compete with Nintendo following the release of Switch.
It won't be the first time that Sony or Microsoft have tried to copy Nintendo. Nintendo was the first to come out with a "wireless" controller and it wasn't long before Sony and Microsoft followed suit. I wouldn't doubt it if Sony and/or Nintendo tried to come up with something to compete with Nintendo following the release of Switch.

I really don't see switch being a threat though, specially since Sony has failed in the mobile market thus far.
Yeah. Sony hasn't been much of a threat in the handheld market and Microsoft has never even tried. So Nintendo has always dominated the handheld market.