Sooo main waifu PLOT party member Wangshu is an elf and elfs in this world are physically reaaly strong compared to normal human like mc, . Recorded her intro scene:
And recorded the drunk PLOT scene with Wangshu and MC. Finally now I understand what they are saying during the scene. it's pretty funny lol she's the one that pushes MC onto the bed while drunk and ends up sleeping with him then the next morning when she wakes up and no longer drunk she accuses MC of taking advantage of her while she's drunk lol poor MC.
Wangshu just officially joined the party. Her speed (She's the fastest in the group so far) and dmg output (very high Strength) are excellent, and her attacks got the enemy defense down ability amplifying her damage output.
Managed to complete hard mode combat Challenge -you must defeat the boss without any Ko- of the man eater giant monster boss Taotie battle. pretty hard because the boss can easily kill/ko your party members and he charges his attack, making it way stronger using your party's spirit attack gauge, and thus using a spirit based attack on this boss must be kept at the minimum.