Forum Game: Count to 1,000,000!

1941 Yeah I wouldn't be born for a while.
1942 56 years until my birth.
1944 Cool so I guess we're the same age.
1946 Thumbs up for 15 years old!

- Elvis Presley enters the US music charts for the first time

- Video tape is first demonstrated

- In God We Trust authorized by President Eisenhower as the US national motto

- The hard disk drive is invented by IBM

- World's first commercial nuclear powerplant is opened in England

- The UK, France, and Israel secretly meet to make plans to invade Egypt

- Mel Gibson, Tom Hanks, and Christoph Waltz are born

Mattel releases the Barbie.

Alaska becomes the 49th state in the US.

A flood in Taiwan leaves 2000 or so dead....guess that never hurt anyone.