Funny pics/meme for gaming

Oh god, may as well post this one:


Very accurate, isn't it?

Then again, if you want a Mario RPG meme... then this. Just this:

I never tried complaining about games that I never played. But Mario is the best game for me. It took a big part in my childhood days along with the mortal combat. Mario can be played on console that time as well as the Mortal Combat.
Call Of Duty: Valkyria Chronicles Edition lol

Saw this MGS V's revolver ocelot video lol

I saw this while going to the convenient store a few days ago.
I was a bit late with the photo, because before that the 2 cats were looking at each other and making noise that would hint on a major street cat fight.
So did they actually fight?
Dang and here I thought there was going to be a street cat brawl lol

Call of Duty: Neptunia Ops III Console Wars lol