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I imagine it would takr a lot of time and cost a lot of money to buy enough Lego and hire workers to build the big Mario.
what the flip I'm seeing, hell that's my top in my backyard :p
It's the weekend and yet I have work to do
I really hate my current project and I wish I could get a release from it
sometimes people have to work on the weekend.
Yeah but it's not at all a critical point that we need to work or something like that.
It's just that my manager believes the team should get more certifications in New skills... Man! He is too much.
The weather has been very weird today and the weather forecast has been changing non-stop. Pretty hard to work in this heat unfortunately as well.
Evening everyone. Anyone doing anything interesting this weekend? A pretty quiet one for me. I had a driving lesson earlier and I'm just relaxing a bit now.
So, my bed is being washed then after that has been done, going to be doing Scrap Mechanic stream hype for 5 hours :)
I don't think I've ever played one game for 5 hours!

I can't believe it's already Sunday. We really do need a 3 day weekend o_O
My head is aching a lot.
I don't think Saridon is helping much lately. I really need to get some other medicine.
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