General Gaming Latest Chat

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Saw this lol smile masks:


Any cool good games coming out that anyone might be following or hearing about?
Evening everyone. Woke up this morning thinking it was Friday so my whole day was ruined when I remembered it was Thursday lol. Can't wait for the weekend though especially as we have a bank holiday on monday
Saw new Hatsune Miku Myethos Figure pic:
Evening everyone. This might be the first time I've happy on a Sunday because tomorrow is a bank holiday so I have another day to relax lol
Saw street Fighter #100 comic cover:
Hello everyone, I hope I am not expected to read through all 123 pages of posts in this thread...because that just ISN'T going to happen :).
Saw a comic page scan pic of Boom! studios' Megaman comic:
I have a very bad headache at the moment.
Not sure how to get rid of it, at this point. I don't like taking medicine at all.
I'm thinking doing flights and yet no idea where to fly to and from and what aircraft LOL
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