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Right now it's raining and will continue to rain all day long.
Additionally typhoon number 12 is expected to reach us here this evening, then it'll continue on towards Nagoya, then Kyoto and Osaka, then Kyushu, and then move on to Korea and maybe China.

Tokyo is marked as heavy rain from this afternoon (so basically from any moment now) to tomorrow morning.
Wind of destruction is marked from late afternoon to mid night.

Blue arrow = heavy rain.
Red arrow = wind of destruction.

朝 = morning, 昼 = afternoon, 夕 = evening.
予想雨量 = expected amount of rainfall (in millimetre)

Typhoon route:

I did hear about a storm heading to Japan, please be safe!
Both typhoon and heavy rain.
Currently typhoon is level yellow and heavy rain is level red.
At this very moment I can hear a huge amount of rain spamming to the ground outside and hind on the other side of my apartment.

How does it look like?
I don't know.
Because I closed my shutter in front of my balcony door well before it all started.
Japan's Flood defense systems are fantastic so it should be fine.
Just read this on kotaku lol fake roast beef Burger scandal:

McDonald's Japan Gets In Trouble For Using Fake Roast Beef

Last summer, McDonald’s Japan rolled out a “Tokyo Roast Beef Burger.” The ads featured what looked like real slices of roast beef.

That wasn’t necessarily true of the actual burgers. Ditto for the Tokyo Roast Beef Muffin that was sold during the same period.

According to Asahi, Japan’s Consumer Affairs Agency recently said that McDonald’s broke the law, misrepresenting its products and misleading customers. It warned the fast-food giant, telling McDonald’s to take steps to prevent this from happening again.

This has made the national TV news in Japan. The commercials showed roast beef being sliced, but only half the slices were actually roast beef. So, this appears to be roast beef:

The rest were “processed and reformed meat.” Like so:


McDonald’s is quoted as saying that it used processed meat to increase production. So why not call it the Tokyo Processed And Reformed Meat Burger? Yum!

It looks like the burger itself is not new from the article it's mentioned last summer and the video I found it's dated 2017,so I take it, there wasn't any issue/real enough issue about it until recently?
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Hello again God eater 3 lol
Castlevania season 2 trailer:
Watch it then continue on to season 2 it's good. Though basically:

Another example on Holmes' "love is a vicious motivator" lol
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Just saw this video on marketing slogan translations lol
Nice so what's the story behind the festival dance?
I thought it's a dance to chase away evil spirits.
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