How Many Game Consoles do you Own?

I have:

- Wii
- Xbox 360
- PS2
- Gamecube
- DS Lite
- Gameboy Color
- 2 Laptops (if those count?)

My brother has a PS3 in his room.
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GameBoy Color
GameBoy Advance
GameBoy Micro (no clue where it's at, though)
DS (1st Gen)
DS Lite

(2) Xbox 360

PSP 2000
PSP 3000
Scrap the DS from my list. I've searched for days and cannot find it
N64- Was such an amazing system.

(2) Game boy Color- Me and my brother had one. We loved them. My brother had a light blue greenish one, I had an epic limited edition yellow and blue Pikachu Gameboy which came with pokemon yellow. Was fantastic. Still have it but it's in Indiana with my brother right now.

Game boy SP- We didn't get the advance because we didn't really like it. SP was better. We both got on, mine was Silver, his was dark blue, My silver one broke when we were in Ireland. (stopped turning on at all.) And I got a new one, Silver-ish but a clear light blue shade. My brothers recently stopped turning on too, so that cuts it down to 1.

DS Lite: I didn't get the original DS, the DS lite was much more appealing to me, as was SP to Advance. I got a blue one, I liked it, it was fun, but I let my brother take it with him to college.

Gamecube: I loved this console so much. It's too bad it wasn't more popular because it was tons of fun and could have lasted longer. Still play it every once in a while. Sunshine ftw.

PS2: Pretty much defined what we think of when we think of gaming. Was a pretty even console and that's why it lasted so long. It lasted a LONG ass time. Was still kicking when the 360 was launched.

PSP: Not a bad system, should have been more popular with developers. A few good developers showed the PSP's potential with great games but that potential wasn't taken up by enough of them to make it as popular as it should have been. I had fun with it, but it eventually became more about indie games than commercial. I liked it, wasn't fantastic but it was good. Will probably get PSP 2.

Xbox: Was a pretty good console. It was like an upgraded PS2 and I loved it. Had some great games and was a lot of fun. But like the PS2 and Gamecube, it's UI was pretty shit. Just a menu at the start and you restart the console to get back to it. 360 was a huge upgrade from Xbox in that aspect

Xbox 360: What can I say? Great console had a ton of fun with it, Xbox Live was worth it, it was a lot of fun. I'd still play it if I didn't let my brother take it to Indiana but oh well. But even though I had the 360 I still wanted a PS3. Never did get one. Probably not going to. I can wait for another generation, as long is it's not based on that Move technology or similar.

Wii: It's a nice console and fun but it's just not my thing. My brother really wanted one and it became a family console even though only me and my brother played it. The 2 things I really played was the tech demo and Super Smash Brothers, was fun. I didn't like A LOT of the games I tried. Not every game worked well with it. Eventually I ended up playing the Wii almost exclusively for Gamecube games and N64 games. Paper Mario ftw. It's currently just collecting dust in the other room.

PC: This one seems quite obvious but I think it's worth mentioning because as of lately, I've been a near exclusive PC gamer lately. I do nearly all my gaming on my PC with Steam.