How often do you make instant noodles?

I just finished some 5 minutes ago lol.

Was hungry and wanted to eat quick and easy.
Eh, I eat ramen about once or twice a week.

I really like them because they are so fast to prepare because I'm so impatient :cool: .
I actually don't have instant noodles too often and when I do...I actually add in an egg and some veggies to jazz it up. :) 
Probably every other day. Raman, Lipton-Knorr, Velveeta Shells & Cheese, etc. Not too healthy, but I'm not in a position to be particular. xD
I have them when I'm too lazy to make any other food. When I think about it, I think I have them around 5 or 6 times a week. Looks like I'm a lazy person :(
The only time I ever eat instant noodles is during the winter time. And it's usually cup o' noodles which require to add hot water, stir, let sit, and eat. Summer is too hot for hot noodles.
Back in college, all the time.  I've adopted a healthier lifestyle since graduating though.  However, I can't deny that they are DELICIOUS.  I may have some tonight for old times sake...