How's the weather today?

More snow, god why more snow?!
Its snowing again here too.
In the 20s but sunny finally.
it has snowed a couple of days ago. But now its in the 40s, slowly warming up. snow is melting again here in UT...
@Demon_Skeith we have similar weather with the cold & snow. I'm just glad we had a green Christmas & it held off as long as it could!
Here's it's warming up slightly, 27° right now, cloudy but forecast calls for rain in a couple of days. Hopefully it will come & melt some of this high snow. Hard to trudge through it.
It's gonna be 60 on friday and I can not wait lol. I am ready for spring.
Day 1 of 4 for rain starts tomorrow!
Tomorrow's supposed to be in the lower 50s.