last movie you saw?

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Prometheus......and I have to say, it was kind of a let down. I can't say for sure what I was expecting, and it was necessarily a bad
film, I just didn't too much care for it. Maybe it was hyped up to much in my head that this was a Ridley Scott film and I was expecting
something else, something more maybe....I don't know. But I was disappointed, and I won't say anything spoilers :cool:
I watched Bulletproof, an action/comedy starring Adam Sandler and Damon Wayans. It was alright, I don't regret watching it but it wasn't particularly great either.
The other night I was over at my boyfriend's brother's house.
My boyfriend, his brother, his sister in-law, and I all sat down and watched The Immortals.
Last movie in theaters was The Avengers.
It’s going to be Harry Potter. I’m sure that all of you here must have heard of this movie before. It is my favourite because I like the imaginative magic inside the movie. Just think about it, what would happen if the magic existed in our world. It’s quite thrilling and fantastic, although all of that is only imagination, nothing more. Not only that, the story itself is very interesting and perhaps I won’t be wrong if I tell you that the story does have a number of morals to offer. It does tell you how important is it to stand against evil and fight for your rights. And the best lesson that you can conclude from the story would probably be, “Hope sustains the world”.
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