Last or current preordered game


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What is your current game that you have on preorder? Or what was the last one you had on hold?
I know I probably should pre-order games but as so many games have release dates that get pushed out, I tend to just go to the store in person and pick one up on the day. In New Zealand the shops don't seem to run out of games anymore like they did when I was younger and people would cue up outside a store just to pre-order.

Probably the one thing that would get me to pre-order a game again would be the special limited edition collectors sets that come with exclusive content and merchandise.

There are one or two PS3 games at E3 I’d seriously consider pre-ordering though.
Though I already have the US (and the Japanese) versions, I just pre-ordered the PAL version of Tales of Graces f for the PS3 just for the pre-order bonus pack. Yup, color me obsessed.
WOW Cataclysm Collectors Edition. I was so excited to get this. I don't even play WOW anymore, but I was playing close to 30 hours a week when that came out.
The other day I preordered Guild Wars 2.
This weekend is a Beta Weekend...I must say I am enjoying it.
I've never pre-ordered a game. I used to buy a lot of my games at Kmart and it was worth it to wait until the release week because of the deals that they had and/or the coupons that they would hand out with their video game purchases.
Well it has been a long time since I actually pre-ordered... I usually just walk in to get the game I want a few days after release and when the crowd has died down. But the last time I did that was for my Battlefield 3. Definitely going to do so for GTA V but no one knows when it'll even be out. Rockstar is too tight-lipped this time round! Can't wait for it!
I pre-ordered Assassin's Creed III from Game Stop a few days ago. It'll probably be the first game in the series that I play regularly. I have the original one, and Revelations, but I haven't spent much time playing them. Actually, my sister is the one who has put in dozens of hours on each of them.