Make Zexis a new signature?


I'm looking to have a new signature, but I lack the necessary tools to do so. If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll list the few specifications I desire. If no one wants to, fine, I'll find a site elsewhere that specializes in this, but there's a Zexis Cookie in store for whomever successfully helps me out
Note that this is not a competition.
mentioned my reasons to you already. Watcha want on it?

Ed-and how Big-Big or small? My sig is the small and a big will fill up the page width.
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Okay well I didn't know what you wanted in it so I kinda just went on a hunch and assumed you liked Pandas, crayons, and MS Paint.

Mine is the first entry but I'm sure blows the future uploads out of the water. Prepare your eyes.
What happens if we already have a Zexis Cookie?
No reward, no work. SMF life rule #35.
Well, uhm, that's definitely something, UT. I'd be smiling if it weren't for this awful headache I have >.<

While I ponder the artistic value of Toaster's work, I'll post what I'd like since two or three of you have expressed some interest in this:

-I want it to feature the Hyena Infra-Dead, a special weapon from Call of Duty: Black Ops (Nazi Zombies). I've fallen in love with it :3 However, this here is the best image I can find of it...and even this isn't actually an in-game screencap:
...for a little bit of context on the weapon, it's an uber sniper rifle that shoots highly explosive bolts.
-Preferably no larger than 450x200 pixels
-Must have my name somewhere
-Must have the name of the rifle, "Hyena Infra-Dead", somewhere in the image
-Must be of decent quality (no MS Paint)

And that's pretty much it! I know the last point sounds a bit picky, but I do want something that looks good. Photoshop or a program of a similar caliber is recommended. If you don't have any experience with image editing/signature creating, don't feel pressured to do this! I can always look elsewhere if folks here lack the necessary skills (because I know I do
). Special effects would be appreciated, but I'm leaving the majority of the artistic direction of this up to the artist.

If anyone is STILL interested in trying this, I'll happily answer any design questions that you may have.

@SMF, I'll give ya a kiss or something instead.
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All finished!
meet your requirements?
too bad the pic was a Scavenger though. and here's the url for it-
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That looks pretty good, Ike. Would you be willing to make a couple of tweaks?
"Hyena" is a little hard to read, and do you know of any way to recolor or add some sort of effect to the rifle to make it less bland?...I know that isn't your fault since that's just how the image is :/ If it's possible to give it some red shading or other neat, reddish texture, that'd be really cool (ya know, to make it look PaPed). Again, sorry if I seem a bit too picky! I do appreciate this, though.
pfft. easy peasy. just watch....

Ed-not as easy as i thought it was.
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Have you given up?...
@Matt, I could see red and black or blue and black being suitable for the nature of the signature...perhaps even (dark) purple or black. But, honestly, I'll accept any colour scheme so long as it all comes together nicely.
hell no, I don't give up!
Tiger Camo good for ya? or more demon red-ish?

Ed-Not until I get it right anyways.
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I must warn you, I got extremely distracted about halfway through this. Not to mention angry that there are no decent in-game screen caps of the Hyena Infra-Dead.

I ended up playing around with some screen caps of some YouTube videos. :3
