Marvel's Spider-Man


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Saw latest J. Jonah Jameson trailer on Spidey, the costumed freak lol:
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Saw some Mocap Trailer:
Don't think they did.

There are 3 confirmed dlcs so far:
  • October 23: Marvel’s Spider-Man: The Heist
  • November 2018: Marvel’s Spider-Man: Turf Wars
  • December 2018: Marvel’s Spider-Man: Silver Lining
Ah yes the puddle issue lol
Hear, hear
Bioware made a joke of it lol

During a panel at Pax West, BioWare showcased the screenshot at the bottom of the post, and Lead Producer Michael Gamble mentioned:

“In this screenshot — there is a lot to unpack here — but most importantly, you’ll see that there is a puddle in the ground right in the middle there. So before we move on, there’s a 98% chance that puddle is gonna be changed, moved, reduced…”

The audience pretty much knew where this was going since “puddle” was mentioned, as some started to laugh before the joke was even completed.
Saw Photo mode trailer: