Marvel's Spider-Man

lol he's not a daily bugle reporter though in this one, he's a scientist. MJ is the Bugle Reporter and JJJ is a radio show host.
Black cat, the city that never sleeps part 1, the heist dlc teaser is up:
Read Some Spidey story spoilers:

The 4chan leaker says that Doc Ock and Norman founded Oscorp together and that Norman performed unethical experiments on Mr Negative's family, killing them and giving Martin Li his powers. He also says that Aunt May dies in the end and that there's a bunch of other plot twists that we don't know about.

There are stealth missions that has you controlling as Miles (just like MJ)

Apparently the Electro + Vulture boss fight is absolutely nuts and a game highlight

Base game side villains actually include Black Cat and Tombstone alongside Taskmaster, you don't fight them though.

At the end of the game, Miles gets bitten and actually shows off his powers to Peter.

He says that Silver Sable is more of an anti-hero in the game
Just read dualshockers review on the game, they gave 10, Editor's choice, a snippet of the review:

The story starts simple, with the arrest of Wilson Fisk, also known as The Kingpin, creating a power vacuum in the criminal underground of New York, which many are eager to fill. While this has been shown a million times, so I don’t consider it a spoiler, I won’t say a single word further. Why? Because this is obviously a story created by people who really love the Spider-Man comics, for gamers who really love Spidey as well. Even small surprises will make you smile, so I’ll keep them that way.

Suffice it to say that things are a lot more complex than they appear, and you’ll be kept on the edge of your seat all the way through. Many open-world games sacrifice storytelling for freedom, but Insomniac Games demonstrated once more that this tradeoff isn’t necessary.

Much like in traditional Spider-Man media, the pillars of the story are its characters. It isn’t only about heroes and villains, but also about those who don’t have super-powers, all the way down to the common bystander in New York.

I especially enjoyed the depiction of Peter Parker himself: while he’s an older and more confident Spider-Man (don’t expect an adolescent or an adult trying really hard to play the role of an adolescent; I’m looking at you Tobey Maguire), he’s still very much human and prone to being goofy and screwing up. Yet, his maturity gives him great nuance, which filters through in spectacular ways in his dialogue with Aunt May and more.

Aunt May herself is absolutely adorable in her hard-earned wisdom, and Mary Jane is probably one of the very best renditions of Spider-Man’s traditional female lead. She may not be “super,” but she certainly is a “heroine” in this game.

I could pour gallons of virtual ink into this article singing the praises of basically every supporting character, but again, it’s better if you discover them yourself.

While comedy plays an inevitable role in the story, and things like the banter between Peter Parker and Yuri Watanabe will make you smile wide every single time, it certainly isn’t all bright and happy. The balance between comedic relief and dramatic storytelling is pretty much perfect, and this game will spark an extremely wide range of emotions. I don’t dare say more, but be ready for a rollercoaster.

When you’re done swinging around, fighting, and progressing, you can relax simply by enjoying how packed the game is with lore and with pure love for Spider-Man and the Marvel universe. Manhattan is filled with meaningful landmarks that are just a pleasure to discover, and collectibles come with voiced descriptions that will make fans of the comics smile from ear to ear.

Ultimately, Marvel’s Spider-Man is most definitely Insomniac Games’ masterpiece. The game combines the studio’s heritage and strengths with one of the most beloved franchises of all time in a way that never feels forced or out of place. You could easily say that Insomniac was the perfect choice for a Spider-Man game from the get-go.

Whether you’re just swinging around the city searching for the many landmarks and collectibles, or fighting crime by flexing Spidey’s amazing super-powers and gadgets, Marvel’s Spider-Man is a really a pleasure to play at all times. I can say with absolute confidence that this is by far the best superhero game I ever played.
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Saw this spidey costume lol
Doesnt looks like a body of a scientist.

Remember he is a scientist bitten by Mr. Demon's arch enemy and not a normal scientist. So is Spider-man a man of culture by your standards @NameGervin ? lol.
Okay I am playing the game now and so far it's really great, the swinging and combat controls are really responsive with great swinging physics. loving it!

Recorded the first 2-3 minutes of the game with me learning how to swing as Spidey lol:
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Recorded some of the combat:
Human pendulum lol