PlayStation Official Translated title of Trails Of The Beginning is: Trails Into Reverie

Saw more Rixia Mao PLOT Pic:
I'm sorry, that thing makes her look so dumb.

Plus does this game show all the cast they referened on cold steel 4's big war scene? They showed so many people I had no clue who they were. I think I recognized one from the movie.
Plus does this game show all the cast they referened on cold steel 4's big war scene? They showed so many people I had no clue who they were. I think I recognized one from the movie.
Not All Characters from the previous games will be in this one I belive Kondo said that before to give room for the new characters and more story focus on the the 3 MCs in this one.
That's the kind of talk that would make Tifa sad.
lol Tifa's PLOT is Gaming Queen tier PLOT Level, not comparable to the lower level gaming harem tier PLOT like Elie's