Saw this lol:
hear teddy Bear is dangerous lolsomeone dropped the ball.
hear teddy Bear is dangerous lol
They just tweeted nice Rixia art:
She is. She should duel Cloud lollooks deadly.
They tweeted a new pic:
Yeah. wonder when will Nisa announce it. They recently announced R-Type Final 2 instead.If its coming to Switch, then pretty much confirmed it will be put into english. They are teasing us at this point.
Saw this tweet. Wonder if the game is getting a manga adaptation.
Even if the manga version has a lot of new never before seen PLOT scenes ? lolI don't care much for manga versions.
Even if the manga version has a lot of new never before seen PLOT scenes ? lol
They tweeted some chibis stuff:
They just tweeted a short story :
You can use google translate to read the story:
스-와 나- (3과 9) | 영웅전설 시작의 궤적 - Clouded Leopard Entertainment Inc.
제무리아 대륙 각국에서 베스트 셀러! 두 명의 암살자의 삶을 그린 모험 소설 「3과 9」를 특별 공개!
It's about Swin and Nadia the what does it say? (I'm stuck on phone right now.)