Pokémon GO

I suppose it will come down to the die hards.
I play it from time to time, not as much as at the beginning. It is good if you have your phone charged and can visit a place with some poke-stops to form a walking circuit. Really, going with a friend is what makes it for me more than the game itself. Not that the game is terrible but for the people that love the classic games, this might not be enough. Still, its simplicity is what has got so many people who typically wouldn't care to give it a go.
People still play this? It seems to have lost its appeal around here. I am finally not seeing it all over TV. I never played it and never will. I'd much rather play the actual game. So many people acted like such fans of Pokemon just to fit in with everyone else. It was sickening. lol
My strongest Pokemon is Dragonite. I played this game for a week then never played again after that. I got bored because I only see the same types of Pokemon here in my area. I don't want to go to unfamiliar places since I live in a country with many thieves. Guess the game isn't for me. Uninstalled and never looked back.
Yeah, it's not great if you don't live in a large city. The Pokemon variety is just too low in less populated areas.

Still, they just improved the gym system drastically, so perhaps the Pokemon distribution one will get a few changes soon as well.
I've been playing this game for a month, But I stopped playing it after I heard that it's becoming bad, Rumors said that many peoples died while playing Pokemon Go, I stopped playing it after that immediately.
I love playing Pokemon GO, but since I have a small phone with a small battery, I can't have it on the whole time I walk. So if I'm by some Pokestops I'll turn the game on and walk around for a bit before shutting it off. I still think the game is a lot of fun after almost a year. The funny thing is, I've never even used a gym. They're not as engaging as in the games since you didn't get badges. Though, I haven't checked out new gyms so I'm hoping they're cool. I heard you can get badges from them.
You know i never wanted to play this game, it never drew me in. But it seams to have a big hype on the online gaming sites i need to maybe one day take a look at it to see whats the hype all about.
Same for me. I don't like the idea of walking around strange areas just to get Pokemon. I was fine with the previous setup; you get the game, start your journey from the comfort of your own home, and you grind for days until you sweep everyone around you. It was a working formula, why change it? I also don't like how thieves have been targeting people unlucky enough to be playing this game alone and wandered into the wrong area. Phones are expensive, you know?
You get a badge just by visiting the gym, kinda like Ash.
Hey, he didn't just get a badge. He goes in, helps the gym leaders who somehow managed to get themselves into trouble, and then they give him the badge. It's all about that friendship, kindness, helpful crap they try to teach to kids who watch the show. I think half of the first 8 badges in the first season Ash got by helping the gyms, or sometimes he even lost and it was a pity badge.
When Pokemon Go was released, I was one of the first to jump on that game. I also noticed that this one of the first gaming apps that took people outside instead of indoors (lol).

Everyone experienced different gameplay depending on your device and geological location. For some, their Pokemon Go experience was smooth. I, unfortunately, wasn't one of those people as I experience several glitches and faults from the jump. Despite this, I still loved the overall concept of Pokemon Go. I thought it was revolutionary for location-based augmented reality gaming.

The problem with the game for me was that gameplay became boring after a while. After you caught majority Pokemon, there wasn't really anything else to do (generally speaking). I feel the developers at Niantic lacked innovation and creativity with the game as a whole. In other words, they could've capitalized on the game with more features when it was at peak popularity. It still has a massive amount of daily users (roughly 28.5mil) but isn't what it used to be, in my opinion.

I will say, the future of mobile gaming is bright if we continue to have more games like Pokemon Go created. Mix that with VR technology, I'm excited for what the future holds!
Well, now that it's been about a year it seems that the craze is pretty much over. I don't hear nearly as much about it as I used to. I myself have actually never played Pokémon Go. Well, I mean I've played it but I didn't really get to play it. What I mean is I live in a rural area and there were absolutely zero Pokémon around, so it was pointless. Soon after I broke my smart phone and have been using an old Nokia since, therefore I don't know if things have improved or not.

You get a badge just by visiting the gym, kinda like Ash.

Okay I genuinely laughed at this! :D So true it hurts.
Well, now that it's been about a year it seems that the craze is pretty much over. I don't hear nearly as much about it as I used to. I myself have actually never played Pokémon Go. Well, I mean I've played it but I didn't really get to play it. What I mean is I live in a rural area and there were absolutely zero Pokémon around, so it was pointless. Soon after I broke my smart phone and have been using an old Nokia since, therefore I don't know if things have improved or not.
When I first started, I had the same problem. I live in a rural area as well and when Pokemon GO first started I walked all around town and found nothing. I can say 100% that things have changed and now Pokemon show up in rural areas. I heard somewhere that they used people's locations to find where popular spots are and add more Pokemon to places there very few.
People still play this? It seems to have lost its appeal around here. I am finally not seeing it all over TV. I never played it and never will. I'd much rather play the actual game. So many people acted like such fans of Pokemon just to fit in with everyone else. It was sickening. lol
I'm as surprised as you. I think it stopped when they made an update on the game that people/players didn't like. The hype train stopped shortly after that, and I haven't heard people arguing over which team they are in or how many Pokemon they have. It's a fad, trend, whatever you want to call it, and it just took one small wrong move to destroy it completely.
I tried to play it, but in my Country we don't have a lot of pokemons so it was really hard to find go ones, for that I needed to travel for hours to find something decent, for me it wasn't worth it.