And so the countdown is anticipated. These tourney game nights are actually importing more action at N3DSC, I can tell.
I still want the same people everybody else does to compete. Porkman, SouthTex_Smoke, Dark Young Link, Blue, Brunn, Tiger, Varoun, Kirby_Z, Nin3DS, Disturbed Mouse, !1-up!, Link40k, Smashboy, Unnecessary, Darkrai, Link 70222, yadda yadda yadda.......that could be overdoing it. But I DID say I was making this big. Ehhh...could you guys help me PM them?
Nicely set up..I'm impressed. Well since M/EBC is handling the scheduling and whatnot, count me in as a contestant. I'm looking forward to this (Though I do think legendaries should be excluded altogether)
Nicely set up..I'm impressed. Well since M/EBC is handling the scheduling and whatnot, count me in as a contestant. I'm looking forward to this (Though I do think legendaries should be excluded altogether)
My info:
3DS info: Porkman (2020-1041-1749)
Pokemon X name: Juan
yeah don't worry, heheh. I am planning a load of Weak House cups. Nice to know you're not too sucked into the games to participate all in all!
I'd love to join this, but just now I just can't commit to anything. I'll be really busy around the time of the tournament because of schoolwork and all sorts of other things, so it's unfair to say that I can participate incase on the night I have pressing work to do. However, if there is ever another of these, perhaps in the christmas holidays or something (completely up to you) I'd be very keen to join up. I just wish I could join this time.
This thing is gonna last a year? I highly recommend you shorten it unless you want to lose half of the competitors halfway through. Two weeks would be much better if you ask me. Then that can lead to more tournaments.
This thing is gonna last a year? I highly recommend you shorten it unless you want to lose half of the competitors halfway through. Two weeks would be much better if you ask me. Then that can lead to more tournaments.
taking breaks too. i'm always thinking miles ahead. 2 weeks and 2 cups at a time, then a week or so break.
I have completely banned legends overall, so legends can only be used in the Power House Cup now. The Mega Evolution rule is still the same. I've done this to avoid any problems for our first cup.
I have tossed the FFA Cup, only because we can't even perform it. I've also removed the FFA text from rule 5
I have calculated all of the match times for everybody's region instead of letting you do all of the work.
I have added text to "I will keep all matches organized with my expert scheduling. Til then, sign up to battle Pokemon pros and nos".......the additional text is "review this topic, and check for important messages via swapnote!" So now there are 3 important things for you to do.
In that case, I am going to need Telos and Cipher Vistra's Friend Codes so that they can recieve the important swapnote messages.
Okay final announcement. After the cup for this week, I will add a Yes/No poll. The yes and no answers are for "Are you going to participate this week?" This will make it easier for me to know who will be competing the following week, so don't forget to delete your vote and revote every week!
For the singles cup are the lvls going to be auto set to 50? Also which cup type are we playing in for this tourny? Why is mega evolution set to 3 when you can only mega evolve once during a battle?
For the singles cup are the lvls going to be auto set to 50? Also which cup type are we playing in for this tourny? Why is mega evolution set to 3 when you can only mega evolve once during a
1. No. 2. It says which one in the topic. 3. I didn't know.