Reason for low activity on GF

Well good luck picking a new name then. It's a hard thing to do. I'm one of the extremely lucky ones that didn't have a problem with the domain being available, but i know how it feels to think of a name, check it and find it's been taken, and to have that keep happening with each name you think of.
I won't do it for awhile, not with E3 over the horizon.

If I do go through with it, other changes will have to happen.
Well I looked up .com domain on namecheap and there was a one time buy on this one name for more than a 1000 dollars.

But I would love to host video game challenges, but I need people who have the game to host them.
Well I looked up .com domain on namecheap and there was a one time buy on this one name for more than a 1000 dollars.

But I would love to host video game challenges, but I need people who have the game to host them.
What? .com domains are a few dollars and not generally one time buys. You pay annually. It just looks as if you went to namecheap and purposely looked for the most expensive thing you could find to make a point. I find it surprising anyone would say a domain is expensive. If you think a domain is expensive then you've got a shock in store when it comes to hosting and content management software / forums.
^Yup. People buy popular domains and put them up for obnoxious price tags... I wouldn't buy them. Think of a good original name. It takes multiple tries.
If I could get these "Busy Babes" I would not be here right now :P


tried that a few months ago, big video game and cash prizes but nothing came of it. Though I'm banking on E3 to bring in some members.

Not sure if that would help since you are still going to have to offer something that makes this forum stand out over other gaming forums that they can join.