Reason for low activity on GF

I'm looking at where I said I'm looking at. It's now the first one on page 7 of google for me. You do realise google results are not the same for every single person in the world?

then whats the point of SEO?

I know GF was not on page 1 before.
Well I thought maybe location has an affect on it, as we are in different countries. But what I have noticed is that on your screen shot the results say there are 111m results, yet on mine it says there are 498m results.
Your in the UK, so does this mean that the US blocks some sites where the UK doesn't?
I just spotted something.

At the bottom of the Google page where on yours it says 'Advanced Search', 'Search Help' and 'Give Us Feedback', mine also has at the end of that 'Go to'.

If I click this option it then brings up the results on instead of
On the results on it says there are 524m results, and yours appears 3rd from the bottom of page 1.
It's on the bottom of page 1 for me on but that's not really the point of this topic, eh.
Last time at this forum around the time of E3, this forum was popping with activity.

Maybe it's time to focus on something around E3 (assuming E3 is close by this point in time / i don't follow E3 :P ) and get discussions flowing on the latest/hottest games of this year.

@DS - I was going to suggest a domain change to ya a while ago (before this topic) but you've been using this domain for years so what's the point of that?
Plus, with a domain change, people aren't going to magically flood the forum with posts ;)

Since this is a gaming forum, one of the best ideas might be to give away a video game for the most "interesting post" that staff members selected and have this contest every once in a blue moon.
It can be an interesting debate on a game to a well detailed walkthrough/tutorial, you name it.

That should get people posting the good stuff.
I'm looking at where I said I'm looking at. It's now the first one on page 7 of google for me. You do realise google results are not the same for every single person in the world?

Yup. If you go on the site a lot, it's likely to rank it higher on your computer. A good way to really check it would be using a public computer or a browser with cleared cache/data.
It's on the bottom of page 1 for me on but that's not really the point of this topic, eh.
Last time at this forum around the time of E3, this forum was popping with activity.

Maybe it's time to focus on something around E3 (assuming E3 is close by this point in time / i don't follow E3 :P ) and get discussions flowing on the latest/hottest games of this year.

@DS - I was going to suggest a domain change to ya a while ago (before this topic) but you've been using this domain for years so what's the point of that?
Plus, with a domain change, people aren't going to magically flood the forum with posts ;)

Since this is a gaming forum, one of the best ideas might be to give away a video game for the most "interesting post" that staff members selected and have this contest every once in a blue moon.
It can be an interesting debate on a game to a well detailed walkthrough/tutorial, you name it.

That should get people posting the good stuff.

The point of this topic is reason for low activity and ways to get it up. So discussing SEO is apart of it. E3 is next week.

The point of the domain name change is change the name of the forum to something unique and not used. There is a owner of and it's site is pretty much a troll site that may have affected us badly these past few years.

I like your idea, I'll look more into it.

Yup. If you go on the site a lot, it's likely to rank it higher on your computer. A good way to really check it would be using a public computer or a browser with cleared cache/data.

I can't believe that.
I swear SEO is confusing and mysterious as pagerank. And what do you mean by change the way we post threads?

See a lot of the threads that you and froggy post seem to be just news updates and not inviting other people to discuss about it. Like just a copy & past article that we read and most of the time, don't really post comments on. Maybe more question threads?
All forums have their up and downs but as long as all the staff keep going and pushing forward through the tough times, the forum will do well.
It seems like all gaming forums are struggling these days. Especially general gaming forums. There's not much you can do to make a general gaming forum different from any other one. I think it might be good if you guys zoomed in on a specific series, game, or console, and then maybe had a basic category for other gaming discussions.
All forums have their up and downs but as long as all the staff keep going and pushing forward through the tough times, the forum will do well.

This is also true

It seems like all gaming forums are struggling these days. Especially general gaming forums. There's not much you can do to make a general gaming forum different from any other one. I think it might be good if you guys zoomed in on a specific series, game, or console, and then maybe had a basic category for other gaming discussions.

But there's just so many games to talk about these days I don't think I can stick with just one :P