Something about pets I never understood about the US...


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
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How you can keep pets and often not let them go outside. It usually seems heard of with cats, but I just can't believe someone could actually do that. Over here, I don't know anyone who doesn't let their cat go outside pretty much whenever it likes, and when I still owned one, said pet could stay out all night.

Then again, I don't think many people in the UK have their pet dogs sleep in doghouses, so I guess it kinda evens out a bit.

Is this a cultural thing?
I have 5 cats that I keep inside most of the time.I ususally let my 2 dogs go outside when im watching them.I live in the country so theres birds and squirrels that my cats will kill and coyotes that might kill my poor pets.I really want to kill the coyotes but i dont know how to.My family doesnt even own a gun.
I let my dogs out whenever they want, but they don't sleep in a doghouse. I've never even seen one before. They're kinda pointless.
My dogs are chilling with me in my room.... Cats till now the once I've seen in germany and india usally free roam unless they were bread to stay inside the house (usually the fat ones). They hunt and do all kinds of things, its probably good for certain cats that they get to keep training their natural instincts/
My cat was an outdoor cat. A lot of people here in the US like to keep their cats indoors, but that's because we have laws in some areas prohibiting pets running wild. In some areas wild pets are often captured and taken to shelters and such. Though, i never worried about this myself as my cat was very smart and could outrun almost anything.
My cat is an indoor cat but I do let him outside only if supervised. Unfortunately due to his poor ability to judge things that could cause imminent harm to his life, he has to be watched at all times outside. I will watch him or walk with him, which he enjoys. He often stops and just sits down to enjoy the outdoors. As soon as he gets near the front yard I pick him up and we start in the backyard again because the street is not a good place for him. I have to have my cat indoor because our neighbors have extremely aggressive cats which think nothing of brutally attacking him and that would equal pain I don't want him to have and vet bills I can't afford.
Indoor cats tend to be pretty fat. My friend has a cat that can pull its head back into its fat so that you can't pet it if it doesn't want you to.
I've only had outdoor cats, they are much easier to take care of because they can find their own food and water a lot of the time and they take care of their business no where close to the property that you live on.
I used to have a puppy. He lived in the garage.
Indoor cats tend to be pretty fat. My friend has a cat that can pull its head back into its fat so that you can't pet it if it doesn't want you to.
I've only had outdoor cats, they are much easier to take care of because they can find their own food and water a lot of the time and they take care of their business no where close to the property that you live on.

lol.. that made me laugh... i've seen that kind of cats
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My cat definitely has a healthy amount of chub on him but I keep him active with his laser pointer and toys.
Worry of them getting lost or running away.

I've been to Ireland before, we were in a town where dogs were EVERYWHERE out in the neighborhood allowed to go free without ANYONE watching them. I couldn't feel comfortable doing that for a second.
Well it can be a bit more of a problem with dogs, as they often lack independence and need someone around to lead them.
But certainly cats have no problems with getting lost (except very young ones). There are loads of cats wondering about where i live.