PS5 Sony Playstation 5 Update Adds Voice Commands


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Voice commands sounds like a useful feature for people who use their PS5 as a music and video player, but don't own a remote control for the PS5.
I don't trust voice commands with my voice on any device.
I don't like voice commands as well because it is sometimes less accurate than using a keyboard to type in an app or click a button on a program with my mouse.
Not a fan of Voice Commands too.
Hopefully, it would be possible to uninstall the voice app on the PS5. I wonder how much RAM and CPU resources is used for voice commands, and the microphone listening feature.
Now if they could add hand signals that would be a no-brainer. As of right now, it feels like people could watch or hear me if they wanted to anyway if I owned a PS5.
Not sure how useful they are for the PS5 unless you're not near your controller. But in general, I do love voice commands, especially with a Google smart speaker.
I feel people who are more concerned about their privacy are now more concerned about being near a PS5 because they may not want Sony, or a unknown hacker listening to their conversations near their PS5 controller's microphone when the PS5 is powered ON, and voice commands is turned ON.