Multi Trails Of Black English version announced The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

is he the traitor? :P
more on the game will be on the 40th Anniversary Falcom live stream on march 9 2021, translated by Gematsu:

Dengeki Online will host a Falcom 40th anniversary live stream on March 9 at 20:00 JST, the outlet announced. You will be able to watch it on YouTube.

A look back at Falcom’s 40-year history from old titles to new, and the latest information on The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki. Presenters include Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo and the Dengeki game media staff.

The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki is due out for unannounced platform(s) in 2021 in Japan.
Good thing march is coming fast.
Indeed ! at least something new on this. But when will we get new info on Tifa II and The 16 Maids dang it!
Famitsu has some preview stuff:

read a fan tweet :
The keyword in the middle is definitely something we haven't heard before. It's between Calvard and Spriggan, so my guess would be this Edeth? (イーデッス?) is Calvard's capital.
They tweeted more stuff on the battle system, translated by gematsu:

  • R1 – Move faster.
  • R3 – Change targets.
  • Even if you get close to an enemy, you can avoid battle by not targeting them.
Action Battle

  • Circle – Attack.
  • Square – Deploy Shard. (Similar to Orbment?)
  • X – Evade (backflip and step).
  • Triangle – Tactics menu.
  • Right Touchpad – Target information.
  • L1 – Switch characters.
  • Party members that you are not controlling will fight on their own.
Command Battle (you can switch between Action and Command at any time)

  • A gauge that indicates turn order is displayed.
  • Inherits characteristics of the previous Action Time Battle system.
  • When your turn arrives, you can move freely within the battle area.
  • Links and S-Breaks are also available.
  • Each button corresponds to a command, such as Defend, Arts, and Crafts.
  • Arts effect range has been reformed.
  • BOOST and SCLM are new elements.