PS5 Upgrading PlayStation 5 storage via slot

It’d be nice if 8TB SSD’s didn’t cost an arm and a leg in relation to HDD’s at the same price.

It’d also be nice if HDD’s were the same price as LTO tapes…

give it ten years :P
Other than updating the SD cards in my Switch & 3DS, I've never bothered upgrading storage for my home consoles. Picked up a 2TB SSD for my PS5 earlier this year (paid $160) and it was an absolute game changer. No longer had to the play the game of "What should I delete to make room for something new?". Actually went through my catalogue of digital titles and downloaded everything I cared about, just to find out I still had 500+ gigs of space left!

Now I just need to upgrade my PC from 1TB...
You need to play with the configurations on your hardware, or get different tapes, because if it’s corrupting that easily, something is obviously wrong.

It’s like if you burn a CD/DVD, and the discs aren’t reading, you either burned it wrong, the disks are trash, or the disc reader is trash.

No the hardware was junk causing data corruption that we thought at the time we were fixing. Before we could move over to better stuff, well shit happened.
some of those prices look really steep! I think what I'll do is just play a game at a time, beat it, then remove the game data on the ps5.
attacking the backlog, one game at a time... haha
I don't got a PS5 myself but my boyfriend has a couple and he's upgraded the storage on both of them to 2TB each. He says it's really easy to do and by the looks of it, it seems pretty simple and straight forward and only takes about 2 minutes from start to finish.

Yep, thankfully Sony didn't make it hard.