what are you listening to right now?

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Vanessa Williams & Bobby Caldwell "Baby its Cold Outside", since I'm here at a friend's place, listening to some holiday music. haha
wheel of fortune music
I have been listening to bad day by Alvin and Chipmunks again these days.
Well that explains my mood quote a bit I suppose
I am listening to the song 'So what' by kagamine len.
As expected len's English pronunciation is really bad but the beat and music are okay.
I am listening to the song, world's end dancehall by len and kaito.
It's seriously good.

I hated it when I saw miku's and luka's version but this version is better. It's just like how the electric angel is good when it is sung by rin and len instead of miku.
I am listening to the song unravel English cover. Even though the voice is bad... The lyrics are good.
So I have been looping it for almost 8 days now
Come on guys post your songs already. I have a habit of listening to them now and then.
I am listening to ping pong the animation ending song right now
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