When will you stop gaming?

I stop console gaming when PC gaming becomes more affordable, and there are a lot of exclusives I want to play on PC than game consoles. The Steambox could change how many gamers game on the PC vs console since I heard the Steambox will be a game console with a controller, and a PC as well when not used for gaming.

I think it is pretty hard to totally stop gaming thesedays since there are 3D and immersive games on Smartphones, PCs, Tablets, Flash games on websites, and almost any modern electronic with a screen, so even if you don't own a game console, there are thousands of devices like Android phones, iPhones, settop boxes, etc which you can use to game for free, or for a dollar or more by buying ad-free, or premium versions of the game.
I don't think I'm going to stop gaming soon, but if gaming systems start becoming more like a social network then I may walk away. I was extremely not impressed that the ps4 controller has some dumb Facebook share button on it........I'm hoping they don't continue move forward. I'm also not a fan of purchasing online and downloading. I like to have the disc. If they start doing it where you must order online I probably will stop.

I doubt this will happen because games have been getting better and better, but if FPS becomes the ONLY games available I'll probably stop because I like a wide variety of games.
I don't think I'm going to stop gaming soon, but if gaming systems start becoming more like a social network then I may walk away. I was extremely not impressed that the ps4 controller has some dumb Facebook share button on it........I'm hoping they don't continue move forward. I'm also not a fan of purchasing online and downloading. I like to have the disc. If they start doing it where you must order online I probably will stop.

I doubt this will happen because games have been getting better and better, but if FPS becomes the ONLY games available I'll probably stop because I like a wide variety of games.
How does it make you not like it just because it's a feature? Plus the fact it isn't strictly for Facebook; you can send it to friend's on PS4. And why is being social bad anyway?
I don't care for social either, just seems like something that may take away from game development.

Anyways, the day I stop is either when I, lose my eyes, unable to use my hands or I'm in my grave.
Gaming blind is possible if you memorize the entire game. lol
I don't think I'm going to stop gaming soon, but if gaming systems start becoming more like a social network then I may walk away. I was extremely not impressed that the ps4 controller has some dumb Facebook share button on it........I'm hoping they don't continue move forward. I'm also not a fan of purchasing online and downloading. I like to have the disc. If they start doing it where you must order online I probably will stop.
You were not impressed that the PS4 is going to have a Facebook share button on it? You do realise that this forum you are on, and probably nearly all the others you are on have Facebook share buttons on. Forums are basically social networking sites too, yet you are happy to use them. But you are unimpressed because a new console is going to have a button on it.

A button, might I add, that you are not forced to even use. I've never heard anything so silly.

I doubt this will happen because games have been getting better and better, but if FPS becomes the ONLY games available I'll probably stop because I like a wide variety of games.
FPS will never become the ONLY games available.
How does it make you not like it just because it's a feature? Plus the fact it isn't strictly for Facebook; you can send it to friend's on PS4. And why is being social bad anyway?
I tend to like to play games for the point of having fun. As far as facebook users are concerned, they play games on their to increase their reputation from the success from their games. Sure, its just like trophies, but us ps3 users have an advantage which is there is much more effort into games. I just don't want ps4 to turn into some huge facebook crap. I already see that there is tons of people purchasing low quality crap for the PSN because they want easy plats. No big deal if there is a few, but if there is too many then game quality will be going down.

You were not impressed that the PS4 is going to have a Facebook share button on it? You do realise that this forum you are on, and probably nearly all the others you are on have Facebook share buttons on. Forums are basically social networking sites too, yet you are happy to use them. But you are unimpressed because a new console is going to have a button on it.
The quality of the use of telephones has decreased like crazy ever since cellphones started doing the share thing. It's also turned twitter, facebook, and a zillion other networks into spammy sites.
I think the reason people stop gaming is that they get much busier and have to put other priorities ahead of video games. But even so, I can still see myself having at least one game I play on a weekly basis, or something like that. Everyone needs to escape reality for a bit.