I will probably never stop gaming. I just don't see the point and I don't buy into the hype that adults shouldn't play video games. I really found out its mainly because when you get older you have way to many other things to focus on besides a game. Video games take a lot of time to get into to and when you keep playing everyday you eventually have like a love for it, sort of an addiction, then when you leave it for a long time, its hard to go back. If your busy that is... But most likely never, and if virtual reality drops like its supposed to soon, than OH BOY!!! I think everyone on planet would play that game.
Eh, I really don't know. I used to think that I won't ever stop gaming, but as I'm growing up and becoming a busy, mature adult (suuure :laugh: ) I just have less and less time for playing games. College, work, social life and other hobbies are really time consuming now. I used to play games nearly every day, now I'm doing this less than once a week. One day I might stop gaming altogether, I'm afraid.
Maybe I'll go back to playing games more often when I'm a retired old lady with a lot of time :laugh:
I will play games until I am physically incapable of doing so. I have been gaming since i was 7 years old and do not intend to stop anytime soon. Gaming is a fun activity that brings joy and excitement. It also gives me a competitive edge. Also gaming can also get you in shape! lol If you play some of those workout games om the Nintendo Wii, you can lose weight and stay fit. If you ;earn the intricacies of gaming, you can land a career in the gaming field. You can be a tester or a programmer! I really do not see any downside to video games at all.
When I get super old, and have cateracts, arthritis, and the like. When I physically can't do it anymore. Maybe then, I'll have cyborg knuckles and mechanic eyeballs implanted so I can still game.
But then you'll be able to game in heaven maybe. Or you could stay on earth as a ghost and just game at Best Buy after closing time. Just make sure you scare all the employees out first.
There is no age or reason to give up gaming, I have pals in their 50's that are still heavily into gaming and they still have as much fun as the next person.
I personally packed up my console about 3 years ago when I moved to another country and started a new business(well, that and the fact that it burned out and needed a trip to the bin). Due to being too busy I didn't get another, not because of not wanting to play, just not having the time.
I always had a nice pc to use if I ever wanted to play something though so I never stopped completely. I pride myself in my monster computers and servers, my business keeps me supplied with nice tech. Now I have some more time to spare I am planning on getting another console, or maybe 2.
I won't stop playing, not even if I get old and shriveled and my hands fail me, which may not be too far away, lmao.
I doubt I'll ever stop gaming entirely. Gaming is something I grew up with. Pokemon Yellow, combined with the Harry Potter series, motivated me to learn how to read as a kid. I can't imagine leaving behind a hobby as immersive as this one. I can say my gaming habits have changed substantially as I grew up. As a kid gaming was all I did, with or without friends. In middle and high school, I spent less and less time gaming and more time exploring music and academics. Don't get me wrong, I never left gaming completely, I just fit it in at different times - weekend gaming parties with my friends or all-night sessions when I didn't have home work. Now as a college junior I'm re-learning to love gaming. This year's E3 has reignited my child-like passion for gaming, and I think this is definitely a good thing. I can't wait to start playing new games and exploring new stories with my friends at different universities and my coworkers just down the street.
I can't really imagine a time when I won't be gaming. I might stop temporarily, if I'm too busy with work or other responsibilities. I might stop buying new games, if I can't afford them. I honestly think that I'll be gaming for the majority of my life though. It's more common for me than watching TV or reading books.
I don't think I will ever stop gaming, not until I die. Gaming is a big thing for me, it's what I used to just relax, enjoy myself, and have fun playing with others in-game. I think that if gaming became more like social networking, I would probably lose interest, but that doesn't mean that I will stop. I have nothing against the social part of gaming in-so-long as I can still play the game without relying to heavily on others (like a lot of mobile games do). My favourite games to play are mmorpgs, so if they are around for a long time, I will be too, playing them.
If I am not working, not working out, not playing sports, and not outside, I am gaming (which is a lot of the time).
The only reason someone should stop gaming is because he or she is actually BORED with it. Excuses like "uh my social life is dead" are just retarded and have zero meaning. You can easily game and still be a social figure with popularity.
I will stop gaming when I simply don't feel the addiction and desire for it anymore. Be egoistic people!
It's not that you 'want to' stop gaming per se, it's just that getting older, you can't avoid many other responsibilities (well, some can but at a dear cost) I love gaming, but sometimes I just couldn't find time for them in recent times. I haven't played many of the recent titles, only dwelling on the older ones. And sometimes, I just don't feel the urge to play that much anymore.
Unless something big happens to me I just can't picture myself getting tired of gaming. I hope to do it till I die.
It really starts to make you feel what kind of stuff people miss out on when they lose arms and eyes and stuff. I really hope that doesn't happen to me.