Which type of gamer are you?


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As the types go:


Point gathering and level raising is their main goal, with everything else secondary. They want to master the game.


He who tries to find out things about the game world, as if the place is presumably a real place. They obviously want to explore, and figure out how the game world works via glitches and what not.


They care solely about talking to other players, with the game world as secondary. Presumably, the kind of person who most plays any MMORPG or a Facebook game like Farmville.


They exist to destroy other players and try to presumably win at all costs, by defeating all that come. Tournament players maybe?

Which are you?
Depends. If it's an RPG I'm an achiver, if it's a different game I'm a killer. Like in LoZ I hardly do side quests until after the game. I just want to kill things.
Killer. Achiever sounds like try-hards, no offence to them. Plus, i don't do it a lot
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I play mostly RPGs, ussually very active. I guess I am an achiver(in rpgs), most of the time.
In shooters I'm the kind who runs into battle screaming something completely random and unnessary, esp. horror survival-games. As you can tell I'm very fun at L4D.
In fighting-games I'm a button-masher.
In platformers I try to show-off and be unnesserarly epic.
I would probably be an Achiever before anything else. Usually, I play games to beat them to the farthest extent. But say, if you take into account Nintendo Wi-Fi or Xbox Live, I would also consider myself a Killer - Not just to act better than other people, but to have challenges and some fun.

If a game comes down to just socializing with people, I wouldn't play it. I want to be able to play a game not based off of other people's decisions, but one based off of my own. Take the Pokemon series for example. While, yes, I find trading and doing the little mini-games with other people fun, there is just a point in my mind where it seems to become pointless when done excessively, and I could have just downloaded a free app on my phone or something to do the same thing rather than buy an actual console game.

I might be able to find something out about a game, but likely I would find it to be already discovered, or pointless. I could see how proving a theory about a game wrong could be enjoyable, but I guess I have just not ever explored this type of thing. Meh, being an "Explorer" is not something that appeals me quite yet.
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I must win AND make friends!
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Most definitely an explorer and killer.

Because I love art, and one of the arts I love is the 3D art used in the levels in games. I ALWAYS have to explore the maps until I know them completely because it can be very interesting what people make for games. In Call of Duty (2-6) I'd always go in the maps with friends and try to find glitches to further explore the map and it would always be tons of fun. In Fallout I've explored so much it's ridiculous. Plunger Room of Death is probably the most rewarding bit of my exploration. Fallout series is a really good one to explore in because it is a VERY interesting universe. Halo is another universe I'd like to explore, that's why I LOVED Halo ODST. Got to run through New Mombasa (big awesome city and day AND night. It was very pretty at night and the music was FANTASTIC.) like no ones business AND got to see the fight from another perspective. So much win.

Star Wars is a universe I'd love to explore. Not enough open world RPG's for it. Grand theft auto was the main cause for this. GTA1, 2, 3. I loved to explore the cities in them. 3 so much more so. Big 3D city to explore and so much to do. Thats why I loved Grand theft auto but the people opposed to it will never understand. All they see is guns and violence, I see freedom and art.

I'm also a killer because I do play very competitive games like Unreal Tournament and Call of Duty all the time. I do usually come out on top by a lot but I don't scream if I lose. It doesn't really bother me at all. I just love the game. The only way I'll get upset of shit just goes bananas and something ridiculously unfair happens like 10 times in a row or something gives someone an unfair advantage (No whining about stupid stuff, legitimate unfair advantages. Not all games are made totally even.)
Explorer, I love free roam or sandbox games where you can go ANYWHERE you want. Games like Shadow of the Colossus and Fallout 3 make me want to spend hours just admiring the landscape. I remember wandering around the map in LoZ:WW for days trying to find every island possible.
I'm an explorer. I spent five hours walking in Minecraft. I walked about 2:30 until I found a nice place to build a small fort. The next day I walked back. I love games with massive detailed worlds and multiplayer.