Will Nintendo Switch be the most popular new tablet device of 2017?


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I think it is possible that the Nintendo Switch would be the most popular new tablet which gets released in 2017.

Most people who want a tablet has already got a tablet like iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Microsoft Surface, Nvidia Shield, Amazon Kindle Fire, or cheaper tablets made by RCA, Nextbook, and ProScan. There are probably not a lot of new buyers for tablets because most people own one by now.

If the Nintendo Switch has a lot of good games and popular apps like Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, etc, it may get a lot of buyers in 2017.

But, Amazon and smaller brands can always release a very cheap $20 tablet which gets a lot of buyers from people who can't afford a faster and better tablet like an iPad or Nintendo Switch.
Hrmmmm, time will tell. I want to say yes but hard to say if it will be based on a true static or not.
Hrmmmm, time will tell. I want to say yes but hard to say if it will be based on a true static or not.

Hopefully, Nintendo can get a lot of third-party game makers, and also make a lot of first-party games for the Switch to keep people interested.

I think there is also a chance that early buyers who buy the Switch may end up selling it to Gamestop, or use eBay to sell it if there is not a regular amount of new games being released for the Switch on a monthly basis.
Hopefully, Nintendo can get a lot of third-party game makers, and also make a lot of first-party games for the Switch to keep people interested.

I think there is also a chance that early buyers who buy the Switch may end up selling it to Gamestop, or use eBay to sell it if there is not a regular amount of new games being released for the Switch on a monthly basis.

I know after the NES mini craze, many are buying it just to resell on ebay.
I know after the NES mini craze, many are buying it just to resell on ebay.

I think most new consoles get resold on eBay for a quick profit.

But, I feel buying consoles on eBay is not worth it because they sometimes cost hundreds to thousands of dollars more than the original cost, and eventually there would be used and new consoles on sale again at stores after waiting a few weeks or months.
I think most new consoles get resold on eBay for a quick profit.

But, I feel buying consoles on eBay is not worth it because they sometimes cost hundreds to thousands of dollars more than the original cost, and eventually there would be used and new consoles on sale again at stores after waiting a few weeks or months.

Some people have to have the new thing, which is why people selling them get away with it. People were selling the $60 NES mini for $300, that's four times the money they got back on their small investment.