Work in retail?


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How many people here work in retail (or have worked in retail in the past)? If you have, you'll probably get a laugh out of the video below........
Demon_Skeith Demon_Skeith

thanks for posting that! Seen it floating around the retail reddits but keep forgetting to watch it at home. Lol, its pretty solid on many.

But yeah, worked 4 years at Staples, was hell but I came out ahead with a lot of lessons.
My hubby doesn't work retail and he even knows all of these are true because he's heard me tell so many stories over the years. My hubby's favorite is the one about not being Santa's workshop in the back and my favorite is the "do you work here?" one.
Never worked in retail and I honestly, never ever want to. I've heard of so many horror stories of having to work in retail especially during the busier times like the Christmas period.
Never worked in retail and I honestly, never ever want to. I've heard of so many horror stories of having to work in retail especially during the busier times like the Christmas period.

If its some big day, any number of retailers can be heavily busy to insane levels. Hated back to school while working at Staples.
I hate Christmas time. That's the worst where I work. *sigh* I normally like Christmas but I don't like it when I'm at work.

We get a little bit of the "back to school" rush because we have a no tax weekend right before school starts. A no tax weekend means that you don't have to pay tax on school supplies or clothes/shoes. Now, we don't really sell any school supplies but some people come in our store to clothing/shoes for school.
I hate Christmas time. That's the worst where I work. *sigh* I normally like Christmas but I don't like it when I'm at work.

We get a little bit of the "back to school" rush because we have a no tax weekend right before school starts. A no tax weekend means that you don't have to pay tax on school supplies or clothes/shoes. Now, we don't really sell any school supplies but some people come in our store to clothing/shoes for school.

They always try to hype up Christmas at Staples, but after Black Friday its kind of meh.

However, what is your thoughts on the day after Christmas? :p
Oh, I hate the day after Christmas almost as much as Black Friday. There are so many returns where people are bringing back stuff that don't fit and there are other people just out spending their gift cards that people got them. So many's an endless sea of humanity.
Oh, I hate the day after Christmas almost as much as Black Friday. There are so many returns where people are bringing back stuff that don't fit and there are other people just out spending their gift cards that people got them. So many's an endless sea of humanity.

Truly the worst day, specially with management complaining about returns cutting into profit for the day.
The boss' at my work never complained about the returns on the day after Christmas. I don't know if they just automatically know that it's going to be an issue those first few days after Christmas or they've just never discussed it in front of me.
The boss' at my work never complained about the returns on the day after Christmas. I don't know if they just automatically know that it's going to be an issue those first few days after Christmas or they've just never discussed it in front of me.

I had a boss who got off on good numbers, so yeah :p
Well, at my work, they don't discuss that stuff with me. I'm just a lowly pee-on at the bottom of the totem pole.

Lucky for me, I'm off tomorrow so I just have to get through today so I can enjoy my day off tomorrow.
Well, at my work, they don't discuss that stuff with me. I'm just a lowly pee-on at the bottom of the totem pole.

Lucky for me, I'm off tomorrow so I just have to get through today so I can enjoy my day off tomorrow.

well my boss always did it while I was around since the main machine was near my work area.
I used to work at WHSmiths for 4-5 years. In various parts of smiths. Enjoyed my time there, although I couldn't do it now.
Do you see yourself working your way up to management?

I would have actually been made manger of the tech area, but the guy there wasn't going to budge anytime soon. Which is fine, I'm in a far better job now that would have paid more than the manger's rate. Though I would have loved to add it to my resume.