Jan 9, 2011 #21 R Ragafraga Master of Fraging Well-Known Member Credits 3,400 You're banned for correcting my saying of the word "your"
Jan 9, 2011 #22 S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 You are banned for even thinking about banning me.
Jan 9, 2011 #23 D Darkrai It's been too long Credits 3,411 banned for being an advanced member... Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2011
Jan 9, 2011 #24 S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 You are banned for using the Internet.
Jan 9, 2011 #27 S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 You are banned for banning the person who banned me. That's my job.
Jan 9, 2011 #29 S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 Your banned for having a Geno that looks a bit on the feminine side.
Jan 10, 2011 #30 N ninjablooper "time to play can I remember my login [censor]" -f Credits 409 You're banned for wanting to eat my brains.
Jan 10, 2011 #31 S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 Your banned for finally having a sig.
Jan 30, 2011 #32 M Melty That guy who hates everything. Credits 3,406 You're banned for shortening the word "signature" and for misusing the word "your".
Jan 30, 2011 #34 K Kamek NintenDan's slave... I should get back to work... Credits 3,400 You're Banned for Having Too Much Dev in ya.
Jan 30, 2011 #35 B BioApple Herpderpetologist Credits 1,000 You're banned for using a pun as your location.
Jan 30, 2011 #36 S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 Banned for giving me a seizure with your Avatar.
Jan 30, 2011 #37 B BioApple Herpderpetologist Credits 1,000 You're banned because NintenDan lied to me. D:
Jan 30, 2011 #38 A Arcella May the bridges I burn light the way. Credits 400 You're banned for having 111 posts!
Jan 30, 2011 #40 F F'jeris FΣÐЯ ТHΣ FUTUЯΣ Credits 400 you're banned for having too many words in your sig.