S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 Jan 30, 2011 #41 You are banned for now having enough words in your sig.
B BioApple Herpderpetologist Credits 1,000 Jan 30, 2011 #42 You're banned for having awards that I don't have.
S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 Jan 30, 2011 #43 You're banned for that same reason you banned me.
B BioApple Herpderpetologist Credits 1,000 Jan 30, 2011 #44 You're banned for the same reason you banned me. >_>
F F'jeris FΣÐЯ ТHΣ FUTUЯΣ Credits 400 Jan 30, 2011 #45 You're banned cause your Avatar isn't trippy enough!
D Darkrai It's been too long Credits 3,411 Jan 30, 2011 #47 Yer banned for not giving a reason for yer previous ban...
A Arcella May the bridges I burn light the way. Credits 400 Jan 31, 2011 #49 You're banned for having large text in your signature that distracts me every time I see it! =P
S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 Jan 31, 2011 #51 Banned for not realizing that we are all time travelers moving at the speed of 60 minuets per hour.
D Darkrai It's been too long Credits 3,411 Jan 31, 2011 #52 banned for making me laugh in real life....
S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 Jan 31, 2011 #53 You are banned for doing that one thing that one time.
D Darkrai It's been too long Credits 3,411 Jan 31, 2011 #54 SuperMarioFanX100 said: You are banned for doing that one thing that one time. Click to expand... banned for not specifying...
SuperMarioFanX100 said: You are banned for doing that one thing that one time. Click to expand... banned for not specifying...
S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 Jan 31, 2011 #55 You are banned for liking Justin Bieber Music.
A Arcella May the bridges I burn light the way. Credits 400 Jan 31, 2011 #56 You're banned for looking at this picture:
W wsoxfan1214 Well-Known Member Full GL Member Credits 3,024 Jan 31, 2011 #57 You're banned for tricking me into reading that.
S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 Jan 31, 2011 #58 You're banned for missusing your mod powers.
A Arcella May the bridges I burn light the way. Credits 400 Jan 31, 2011 #59 You're banned for being the 58th post in this topic.
W wsoxfan1214 Well-Known Member Full GL Member Credits 3,024 Jan 31, 2011 #60 You're banned because I can actually ban you. Ha.