Feb 1, 2011 #81 Vivian NOT A GIRL Full GL Member Credits 3,125 You're banned because I have gotten rid of Shyguy tapicoa.
Feb 2, 2011 #82 M Melty That guy who hates everything. Credits 3,406 You're banned because tapicoa isn't a real word.
Feb 2, 2011 #83 S Star Bright Right behind you. Credits 421 ...Banned because I can't figure out what the hell your avatar is.
Feb 2, 2011 #84 S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 Banned for hatin' on teh Cheese burgers.
Feb 2, 2011 #85 S Star Bright Right behind you. Credits 421 Banned for falling under a common misconception.
Feb 2, 2011 #86 S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 You're banned because I'm having a bad day and I need to take my anger out on something.
Feb 2, 2011 #87 M Melty That guy who hates everything. Credits 3,406 You're banned for having a bad day. And Yoshi, that glorious man is known as "Mr. Delicious"
Feb 3, 2011 #90 A Arcella May the bridges I burn light the way. Credits 400 Banned for making me want a granny smith apple. >:0
Feb 3, 2011 #91 S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 You, my friend, are now verboten. Bahahahahahahaha! The voices told me to do it and I enjoyed every minuet of it! Bahahahaha! Hey! I thought I told you to stay off the forum games! Silence! You will not tell me what I can and cannot do!
You, my friend, are now verboten. Bahahahahahahaha! The voices told me to do it and I enjoyed every minuet of it! Bahahahaha! Hey! I thought I told you to stay off the forum games! Silence! You will not tell me what I can and cannot do!
Feb 3, 2011 #93 M Melty That guy who hates everything. Credits 3,406 Banned for unfair bias against those who may or may not be schizophrenic.
Feb 3, 2011 #94 A Arcella May the bridges I burn light the way. Credits 400 Banned for having a sweet signature.
Feb 3, 2011 #96 S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 Banned for failing the Friendliness Test.
Feb 3, 2011 #97 N ninjablooper "time to play can I remember my login [censor]" -f Credits 409 Banned for failing every test.
Feb 5, 2011 #100 M Melty That guy who hates everything. Credits 3,406 Banned for having a username containing more than 7 letters.