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  • How do I upload gif files to my signature without inserting a url? I want to upload the gif file from my documents... help?
    If this helps, this is the error message I get. [#10762] Sorry, but you do not have permission to post images in this category
    It says that I do not have permission to do so and so..Thanks for the help. I needed to upload some things for a contest I started.
    I'm unable to upload images to the gallery...I can see that it's changed up a bit. Is this a temporary issue?
    In addition to that, I will try my very best to be active, by posting and uploading more comics and stuff.
    Okay, so basically, I've found that on Monday nights, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday mornings, I can't really get online due to school-related matters (work and such), but I can get on here on Thursday nights, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Monday mornings. So basically half a week here, half a week not here; I hope that's alright.
    Giddaaaaay Nin! I'mma got me computer back, so expect some more activity right away! First off, I'm making those images you PM'd me about. Then I'm uploading a double Shenanigan Guy to spark up some interest with that series to let everyone know it's far from dead.
    Nin, I posted the topic. Unfortunately it seems Dev doesn't believe me and it might have something to do with not being able to take pictures...
    Yeah, I'm really sorry about that, I forgot to make a topic or something announcing that my computer was getting taken away. Basically, computer repairs are taking longer than expected...
    Of the console itself? I'm not too sure I'd be allowed to. (And I can't guarantee my stupid camera will work, it never does when I need it!) I'll take my camera along and see what I can do, though. (And for personal preference I won't be appearing in the images if I take any.)
    Of course I can! I was going to anyway! I sure hope I get to play with it and its not just a 'look but no touch' thing. Normally when its a console though you get to play around with it, so I hope to!
    Hey, Nin? I thought I'd just really quickly let you know - Later today I'll be going to an event with the 3DS. I sure hope to get a GOOD look at it!
    I am indeed in college, but I don't think highly of staying out till after 10 pm for my network hardware classes. Fortunately, my instructors liven up the class sessions, making the 3 hours seem like only 20 minutes or so.
    Hey, big apologies for Friday afternoon. Something came up that I had to deal with at the BMV.
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