Recent content by Meta Knight

  1. Meta Knight

    PlayStation Sony Won't Allow Mods On PS4

    I was disappointed to hear this, though it explains why Fallout 4 hasn't gotten mods on console yet. I'm hoping Sony will change their mind, they will hardly get more support from not allowing mods than if they had.
  2. Meta Knight

    Your gamer identity

    I got sane, I'm only slightly disappointed I missed the first two letters.
  3. Meta Knight

    Other No Man's Sky creates controversy among feminists

    No Man's Sky is a better name than Yes Woman's Land.
  4. Meta Knight

    Multi Final Fantasy 15 Delayed

    I was kind of expecting it to happen, but the devs are probably more disappointed than I am. I don't mind waiting a bit longer, but I'm sure there are other people who want them to keep to their announced release date.
  5. Meta Knight

    Have you tried to learn any other languages?

    I tried to learn English, with moderate success. On a more serious note, I've been studying Japanese for a few years, plus some French, German and Latin just for fun.
  6. Meta Knight

    Places that Pokemon Go Should be Banned?

    I wouldn't mind it being banned everywhere. I never liked the idea and I'm no less unhappy about it after seeing it happen.
  7. Meta Knight

    Does it bother you when let's players make other type of videos?

    As long as they don't lose their focus on let's plays, no. I don't mind some variety, and sometimes there are very good reasons to make a video that isn't like what you normally create.
  8. Meta Knight

    Japanese politician wants to turn Tokyo into an anime land

    I'll be the cynical killjoy and say I don't like this idea. I loved visiting Japan, partly because of all the anime goodness, but I thought it was on a decent level. Fiction and real life are completely different things, and I don't support the idea of making a fiction medium central to a...
  9. Meta Knight

    Video games with toxic communities

    Elitists tend to be bad no matter what fanbase they're part of. I'd claim most communities have good and bad people, but FPS, MOBA and MMORPG fandoms in particular seem to have especially toxic people among them. At least they're very easy to notice. The nice and quiet people usually don't stand...
  10. Meta Knight

    Post the first video game quote that comes to your mind

    I may be misquoting this, I don't remember the exact quote. "A knight lives to serve. To protect. To sacrifice. There is no greater calling."
  11. Meta Knight

    What do you do to blow off steam after a frustrating game?

    I play a much easier game for a while, take a walk outside, shower, eat some fruit or take a cat petting break. Sometimes all of them for maximum effect.
  12. Meta Knight

    Graphics in the old games, from before 2005

    Maybe it's the nostalgia filter, but I think a lot of N64, SNES and NES games still look amazing. It depends on the game, but games like Majora's Mask, Chrono Trigger and A Link to the Past still look amazing to me. The Gamecube has modern graphics in my eyes, as does the PS2 and Xbox.
  13. Meta Knight

    Do You Prefer Singleplayer, or Multiplayer?

    I love singleplayer RPGs with heavy focus on story, immersion or experiencing, but multiplayer with some good friends isn't much worse. Even boring or bad games can be made fun in the right company, and few things can beat a good game with good people. Unless it's Mario Kart of Mario Party. I'd...
  14. Meta Knight

    Most Frustrating Gaming Experience

    Really bad game design can make me lose my temper sometimes, but one thing I have zero patience for is lag. While my internet connection is fairly reliable these days, it sometimes lags really badly and I'm getting worse at dealing with it. Mostly it's an issue in MMORPGs, no failures are as...
  15. Meta Knight

    E3 Skyrim Remastered

    I spent over 500 hours in Skyrim on 360, I'm easily getting this on release. The upgraded graphics look glorious, and mod support doesn't sound bad either. Mostly I'm looking forward to being able to play with the PS4's controller and interface, but I hope they'll take the time to fix some of...