A Fight about Tibet

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GamerPerfection said:
So no-one in Tibet has been murdered or raped? Seriously?
Yes... by the Chinese at least, that's what you Westerners
made it into because you are so ignorant of real the past between
Chinese and the Tibetans
and demonized China and said us Hans did
this to them when it's not even that
like you demonized everyone else whom
isn't Whites.
Sanaki said:
Yes... by the Chinese at least, that's what you Westerners
made it into because you are so ignorant of real the past between
Chinese and the Tibetans
and demonized China and said China did
this to them.
So you know about every single murder and rape in Tibet, you know exactly who committed these murders and rapes, and you also know who committed any murders and rapes that have gone unsolved? Or are you just so pro-Chinese that you can't bring yourself to even consider that a Chinese man might kill or rape a Tibetan?
GamerPerfection said:
So you know about every single murder and rape in Tibet, you know exactly who committed these murders and rapes, and you also know who committed any murders and rapes that have gone unsolved? Or are you just so pro-Chinese that you can't bring yourself to even consider that a Chinese man might kill or rape a Tibetan?
Yes Because that's in the Westerner's heads/minds and no one is being murdered now by the Chinese or being enslaved/dictated.
And that's the way you Westerners lie
and slander about what's going other countroes and you make it seem like this...
And isn't like so with every other
countries... (Egypt, Syria... and Iran... Iraq... India, Pakistan... Vietnam...)
So yes, White Europeans/Americans
are the proble according to me).
GamerPerfection said:
Chinese people are not murdering anyone? Really? You really have your head stuck up your arse.
Am I being murdered in China... no...? XD Am I being raped? No... Why... a Chinese woman can be raped by a White man
too... an Arab woman
can be raped by an Asian...? Or even
a White can be raped by an Asian...?
A Muslim can be raped by a White eh?
No biggie now right...?
Sanaki said:
Am I being murdered in China... no...? XD Am I being raped? No... Why... a Chinese woman can be raped by a White man
too... no big deal eh?
Oh my god you are the dumbest person I have known on the internet and in real life.

How can you claim that no-one in this world is being murdered or raped by a Chinese person!!!!
GamerPerfection said:
Oh my god you are the dumbest person I have known on the internet and in real life.
How can you claim that no-one in this world is being murdered or raped by a Chinese person!!!!
But that was your logic in the beginning eh or isn't that what you said.. (in my Asian thread)...?
Why make it a big deal or a matter when it's a Chinese/Tibetan or a Uyghur/Chinese eh?...

Rapes and murders in this world happen and it's human nature.

What, going back into calling people stuff now eh?
Sanaki said:
But that was your logic in the beginning eh (in my Asian thread)...?
Why make it a big deal or a matter when it's a Chinese/Tibetan or a Uyghur/Chinese eh?...

Rapes and murder in this world and it's human nature.
My god you really don't comprehend a single bit of English do you.
GamerPerfection said:
My god you really don't comprehend a single bit of English do you.
No... you just don't get it when your own logic is
thrown back at you...

And so you're saying it's okay for
a White man to rape a Chinese/African woman or to commit genocides and other stuff
in others' lands then...?

And you're saying it's all right for
Brits to do that to native Americans/Canadians or even Africans...?

And that's so very hypocritical because
I'm not saying a Chinese person never did and it's just not what they're doing
now and Westerners exaggerate everything.

1 single thing they don't understand...
they turn into something else...

And that sacrifice thing (Black Angel), they were
sacrificing themselves to their fire Gods and Chinese told them to stop because it wasn't
good for them and Whites made it into:
them sacrificing themselves to protest against China.
And I know the tibetan culture
much better than a White...

Now I bet none of you knew this... eh?
Read about your sacrifice/rapes argument/point... okay...?
In fact, the Chinese stopped many of these things
from happening in China and stopped the tribes from either:
sacrificing themselves to their Water/Fire/Air God...

like the Egyptians did in Africa... and the Whites turned it into the Chinese "not giving them freedom to do things or say
things..." when it's harmful for them...?

And Tibetans/Mongols have those rape (like sacrificing a woman to satisfy their God's sexual sacrifice) rites or something...
and under the Chinese's guidance, they've stopped doing

And this is what Westerners usually make
assumptions about in India/China and etc... when their reporters see these things...
Let me know when you finally have the balls to answer these two questions.

A woman who is being held at knife or gunpoint by an attacker will surrender her possessions and her body to her attacker if she fears that her life is in danger, and thinks that doing so will save her life, does this mean that she consented to being robbed and raped?

If she is weaker than her attacker and is unable to fight him off as he rapes her, does that mean she consented to it even if she has an orgasm from the attack?
Because Chinese did nothing of the sort and that's wrong in history and they falsely accused us Chinese to do this ... Why you can't see, why are you so much on their side?
What I'm trying to tell you...? to not believe in everything
someone else says about something...?

And your rape/attacking thing doesn't even stand in this argument...
because it never happened the way the Westerners
told it.

Go read some real Chinese history (not anything written by Westerners and you'll immediately know that's a lie about us the Hans because many of our records never even told anything about any Tibetan invasions!) A British whom didn't speak Chinese and slandered it.

You don't belive me, these are even
in their (Tibetan's) history.
Ok pull your head out of the clouds long enough to answer the question. I am not talking about Westerners, I am asking you a simple question.

The very fact that you are dodging it shows that your argument is weak.

Why are you so intimidated by those questions? You can sit up and make racist comments, talk shit about people and cultures that you don't know shit about, whilst accusing others of doing the same, but you can't answer 2 questions?

How does that work?

Your argument was that Tibetans are free because they willingly surrendered themselves to China in exchange for help with fighting against the Mongols and that the Tibetans got something out of it.

I asked you the 2 questions above which you have been avoiding since.

Why not just answer yes or no?

What are you so afraid of?
I did answer your questions, you chose not to believe
me and de facto argued on one side... eh?

How weak it is...? I can show you historical proof even... if you'd like...? History's on my side eh? Or even the Wiki concerning says so about the Tibetans...

Why? Even some Western archeologists/linguists agree on that now...?
Or some of them from the West do agree with this...?

You blindly chose to believe the Western media and news (which is one side...
and ignoring the other...)?

Which is why I think some Westerners
have problems with others because
they jump too quickly into conclusions
about someone else's history and
false accuse people of doing thing.

Reason number 1 to do that:
they (as Westerners) are afraid of the unknown... or others...
so they say stuff like: the Coran said the Man can do X to the Woman... or Mohammed did X to whomever... because he was
"sex-crazed" or something...
but that's untrue because : the prophet Mohammed did this to give her shelter/protection...so in my view, they're doing exactly the same thing with Chinese bibles and historical bibles (equivalent to the Muslim Coran...)

(this is according to my many of my Muslim friends)...
Black Angel said:
You did not answer the question. You instead played a cutesy word game and posted extraneous things unrelated to the 2 questions I asked you and even when invited to answer them directly, you still continue to play word games.

Why is it so hard for you to answer yes or no?
I answered no (to both of your questions... because it never happened in China
and even explained to you what happened
to support myself and you still brought up that sacrifice thing without even understanding the reasons behind it...
and pinned it as Tibetans protesting because the article said so even after I told it might be propaganda against PRC.
Because I wanted you to judge it for yourself and not to think it because the
article said so... (see how easily you can fall for lies in the news...)?

And you're see it as me playing games because you can't face
historical truth (many Westerners agree that never even happened and that's media propaganda against China...?).

Can't you get it now the situation I was in with Gamer...? You're in the same
situation I was last night... aren't you?)

And I will speak for my people till
the end.
If you answered no to both, then how is it that you can think that Tibetans willingly agreed to Chinese rule?

They argued from a position of weakness and were threatened by the Mongols and were in fear of their lives.

They aligned themselves with the Chinese simply because they were the lesser of 2 evils. Or so they thought.

But if you said no to both questions then I don't see how you can say that the Tibetans are happy under Chinese rule.

I even asked you to help me understand why you consider this to be a good thing since you say that I don't understand.

You seem to be so caught up in your points of view that you are completely blind to the the others.

How do you know that what you are saying isn't Pro-Chinese propaganda? China censors people, do you really think that they wouldn't lie to you as well?

You are actually saying that the suicides are apart of anti-Chinese propaganda.



More here.



You keep insisting that everyone is against the Chinese and pro-American/Western when the truth is that you have not only drank the Kool Aid, but you've dived into it, swam a few laps and have emerged as their new Kool Aid mascot yourself.

You are so against anything that isn't Asian, that you don't even see that you are the only person around here that is doing the hating.

You seem to be just a hateful person in general.
Oh, that's for show even... because as I've said:
the Westerners encourage them to raise rebellions
against China.... and are disrupting peace in the World like
what they're doing in India... Syria... Libya... Korea
Japan-China... China-Vietnam... Arab world... Why even
in their own countries (Scots-Irish, French-Brits, Canada-America and etc...)

(I would have said the same if thread was about Arab vs them or Jews vs

I know all about their little political/mediatic games.

Tibetans are playing these games encouraged by the West.

How do I know...? Because they're (on Brit/French television/Radio) are telling lies about it... (because
their language is so different from mine... I can instantly understand the slightest bit of difference between what really happened and what they're (reporters) are saying and between what the reporters says in Chinese and in French/English
or even what the people are really saying.

Isn't it the same with you...
when a French/Brit reporter slanders
your native/first language and turns it
into something else (or evil, bad)...?

And you should know: that's one of
the Western media's tool...
a powerful one indeed... to turn
everything into what they think/believe
it is... even what the tibetans are saying?

What more can you want than a home, something to get rich from (you said so yourself and I'm quoting you )... and they're protesting for nothing in their case (like the Canadian/Australiann first nations.. Encouraged by greed perhaps...
And Westerner's faked promises and lies
about a brighter future...

Because they can even go to school (that's fact... and study whatever and become whatever they wish...)
And they do not know to be grateful for
what us Chinese did for them (giving
them shelter and foods...)
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