Asian Fetishes?

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Queen of Games!
Full GL Member
So I personally find it totally
creepy when White men "hit on me"
just cause I'm Asian. As BA said or
noticed about me, I really hate White guys who are obsessed with
Asian girls or who ask Asian girls
out because they like Asian. Just today, I was with my female friend, so
many white guys were winking at me. I felt all the stares towards me. So yes on here, how many of you here (White guys) like Asian girls "coz" they're Asian? (for their Asian look,
culture & etc.
I know of a white men who seem like they have an Asian fetish. Maybe it is the internet, and other entertainment sources which are spreading Asian women stereotypes, and some white men actually believe those stereotypes.
froggyboy604 said:
I know of a white men who seem like they have an Asian fetish. Maybe it is the internet, and other entertainment sources which are spreading Asian women stereotypes, and some white men actually believe those stereotypes.
Are you sure they've got a fetish towards them? Not just an obsession?
I wouldn't call it a fetish, for some guys its more like a preference. I mean, its not that different from guys that like blonde girls, or guys that like short haired girls. Of course, there are also guys that are so obsessed with the idea of dating an Asian girl that it becomes a fetish, but those are probably the minority.
I would kill for an Asian girlfriend, almost killed my friend for getting one >_>
What is wrong with a bloke having a preference for Asian woman???

And stop saying "white men".

You're no worse than those that like Asian women because you're picking on white men.

You keep making these threads about men fancying you all the time, which I find hard to believe, and all you do is winge about the men.
& No, not picking on them, just saying it's unhealthy when people are so obsessed with something. It's good to have a preference, of course, but to be so unhealthily fascinated with anything isn't good in life.

Also, I would think it unhealthy/wrong if Asian/Black men had "White fetishes" or a "sexual obsession" with White girls

& I wouldn't be complaining about them if didn't like me irl.
Demon_Skeith said:
you can call them Americans, it's the same as calling African people black. People just take offense when you use color names.
Yeah & he's the one who said he wouldn't care at being called "White"? & No I can't, because the White guys in my country ain't Americans, they're Italians, French, Russians, Germans... but for me, all non-Asian men are White males, so I call
them White guys instinctively, so sorry
to offend, but I think you're
over-reacting as I didn't mean it as a racist name-calling thing.
I don't care being called white men, but white men are not the only coloured men that have obsessions, preferences, fetishes etc over women, yet you pick on white men because you think they are all gagging for you.

And the fact they have an obsession for Asian women is just your definition of what they actually have. You have clearly already ruled out that they have a preference of type or colour of females, and therefore in your head they are all white obsessed animals. You are the sort of person that is so closed-minded that they think they know what is true and everyone else is wrong.
Well yes, I agree with that, all men & even women have fetishes , sexual obesessions... some creepier than Whites' over Asian. All I'm saying is that I think anyone having an unhealthy obsession with a specific group of females isn't normal.
I want to preface this by saying that I apologize in advance for both the length of my post, and for any offense it may cause. I also want to say that I don't believe in stereotypes at all. I think that they are all bullshit and do more harm than good and that, like with religion, politics and race, their sole purpose of their existence is to divide the masses.

The stereotypes in this post do NOT, I repeat, do NOT, reflect my personal beliefs in any way, shape or form, and once again, if you do take offense, then I apologize as it truly was not my intention. I am only reiterating the stereotypes I have heard myself, and I am stating things that I have seen, so please, please don't think for one second that I believe these for fact.


It is one thing to have a preference, we all have them, I prefer Black or multi-ethnic men to others because we can relate to each other a lot better than say A White person can. Does this mean that I would never date or marry a White man, or of another race?

No, because skin color is the last thing I look at other than intelligence, sense of humor, the way they treat me, and the way they carry themselves. I would never limit myself to any one race or group because there is good and bad in all and life is is too short to be discriminating against anyone.

But, while we all have our preferences, it is another thing entirely to fetishsize that preference. You can say that you are attracted to Asian women, but it is another thing entirely to say that you will do anything and even kill to have one as if Asian women are objects to be collected as if they no different than Pokemon or Yugioh cards or some crazy shit like that.

I've had the same shit happen to me and I am no where near Asian. It is because of people's perception of beauty, combined with stereotypes and how the media portrays certain people in addition to their own internal issues that will fuel ANY obsession.

Many of the guys both White and Black that have hit on me did so solely because of my skin color. For the White guys, I was exotic looking, meaning that I am just dark enough for them to be considered edgy, but not dark enough to scare their friends and family, and for the Black guys it was because they felt that we would have pretty babies with 'good hair' since they have picked up on and believed the media's subliminal message that:

dark skin = ugly

light or fair skin = beautiful

I mean, could have told either of these dudes that I was Lizzie Borden reincarnated and these guys would have still been after me.

I knew it was a skin color issue because when I asked them what was it about me that caught their eye, they said "uh, I like your skin tone.. it's just right and I've never seen that shade before." The same thing has happened to my brother.

So I can understand exactly where Naiwen is coming from. And it isn't just only Asian women that are fetishsized, it is Black men as well and it is predominately because of their dick size.

The Asian fetish itself has a lot to do with stereotypes about Asian women as well as how they are portrayed in the media.

So if A guy answers "uh.. I just like Asian girls" as a response when asked why? then chances are, they have been influenced by what they have seen in the media about Asian girls and how they are portrayed in Anime/Manga. So, to these guys, an Asian woman is not a person, so much as a living breathing sex object that can realize their Anime/Hentai/Manga fantasies.

I have watched quite a few Anime series and I find it very hard to believe that the average Asian girl or woman talks in baby talk or acts extremely feminine, walks around with their breasts popping out of their shirt or their ass hanging out of the bottom of their skirt, and are always dressed like a school girl.

Or that, they are so oblivious to their surroundings that they don't know that they are showing their underwear when they bend down or that their nipples can be seen through their shirt like that. I actually find it fascinating how the girls just can't seem to do anything without showing their underwear or their cleavage in day to day life.

Anyway, I have discussed interracial dating with my friends and this subject did come up and it seems that for them stereotypes and media influence have a lot to do with it.

Regarding media portrayal, one of my best friends once told me that part of the reason he never really got into Anime (or Hentai for that matter) was because of the way the girls are portrayed. He said that he felt like a pervert for watching anime, even though it had no nudity and that it is even worse with Hentai. He said that there seems to be a fascination with innocence/virginity, helpless school girls/women, bondage, bodily fluids, toys, tentacles and rape.

He also said that Asian porn was no better because the women in it, usually look like they are under-developed adolescents and that worse still, was that the women acted like children, complete with props like pig tails and a teddy bear. He said that this, combined with the very young age of consent in Asian countries, is why he never felt attracted to, or comfortable with dating an Asian woman.

He said that, even if he did find them attractive, he'd still feel like he is doing something very wrong. He just didn't like the way the media portrayed Asian women to be hyper-feminine, overly-flirtatious, cutesy, sexualized little girls, which is also known as the China doll stereotype. It is likely that, a lot of guys are into that, and it is probably why they are hesitant to give you a straight answer.

In addition, there also might be those who admire John Lennon, who married Yoko Ono, who is still to this day accused of breaking up The Beatles, whose relationship had and still has a lot of people talking. Then there is Woody Allen, who is movie director (and a pedophile) who married the daughter he adopted with Mia Farrow and he started an affair with her when she was only 13.

Allen and Farrow adopted Soon-Yi as a little girl and Allen started grooming her shortly after adopting her, and started molesting her at 13. They later got married when she was legally old enough to do so. So, perhaps there are some guys out there who secretly want to imitate that, but are afraid to say so, because they'd be admitting to being sexually attracted to little girls.

The latter of these men are likely to be the same type of men who would travel to Asian countries like Thailand where sex trafficking is a SERIOUS issue and most of it involving underaged girls.. and I've heard that American men are said to be their biggest patrons. It is apparent that Woody Allen would end up doing the exact same, but would do so under the guise of giving an abandoned Chinese girl a home.

Moving on, the first and most popular stereotype I've heard was related to the very small average penis size among Asian men. I have seen an example of this myself, and the actress in the clip I saw couldn't do anything with it. I know that there are 'showers' and 'growers,' but this guy was neither. I actually felt bad for the guy because I thought he was castrated and appeared in the movie because he was short on cash.

Statistically, Asian countries such as N & S Korea, Thailand, India and China consistenly rank at the bottom when it comes to penis size. N & S Korea have an average length of 3.8" and India and Thailand have 4" and China has 4.3" the U.S. is marginally better at 5.1."

So, when the women of other countries are flocking to the Congo or Black men in general, where they rank consistently at the top, with 9.5" or higher, along with other countries that do so, like Colombia and Brazil, then it stands to reason that others will flock to the one group where the average length is still under 4".

I am not making this up, I actually read an article that had these exact numbers. This is not the only survey that has been done either. It is like there are no other kinds of surveys to be had among these countries, but penis size is what tops them all unfortunately.

You have women who are frequent patrons of sex tourism, travelling to parts of Africa and the Caribbean just to have casual sex with the natives there because the men in their own countries can't measure up.

So, what do you think is going to happen when White, Asian, Latina (although most, like Black women, usually stick with their own) and women of other races leave the men from their home countries for other men? The ones that can't measure up are going to go after the one group of women who are used to much, much worse, Asians.

The women in these countries would treat the 'poorly' endowed American men as though they are John Holmes or Mandingo because the Asian men there are very small on average.
Oh yes, same thing with Asian male/White female. To some,
that's disgusting & shouldn't be. & White man/Asian woman
yes, okay or even "cool" for some Asians. I'll admit it's
"fucked up" & a double standard... but hey, that's society.
That is a shitty argument. Society is what we make of it, it is not some autonomous entity that just appears out of no where and does whatever it wants, and using that argument is passive-aggressive.

The reason things are fucked up as they are is because you have one side that is fucked up enough to do the action, and the other side that is too passive-aggressive to do anything about it. I am pretty sure that if your ancestors had the same attitude when they were embroiled in battle against their enemies, you would not be who and where you are in the same way that the U.S. would not be the U.S. rather than being another British territory.

It has always been up to the people themselves to change society.
Well, as you know, I actually think any White-Asian relationship isn't right. I'm quite against intercultural marriages myself (not because of racist reasons) as
life would not be easy for both sides: either White husband/Asian wife, White wife, Asian husband. & a child born in such
family would have a harder life & even
an unstable one.
If that were true that White-Asian pairings, or any interracial pairings would not be as popular.

And I'd like to see some facts on what you are saying regarding am interracial child being worse off., because if I am not mistaken, it is the diversity that makes things stronger.

I am not saying this metaphorically but scientifically as well.

Steel is a combination of iron and carbon, and yet, it is stronger than iron.

It has also been said that biracial or mixed race people are very attractive, some, say that they can be more attractive than their parent races. (Although I don't agree with this, because I believe that there is beauty in all, even though there are a lot of hot biracial and multi-ethnic people out there..)

If a White person is at risk for certain diseases, and the same is true for an Asian person, then their child would be half as likely to develop that disease because both parents are different.

It would be the same case for any interracial pairing.

For instance, Blacks have a high risk of developing diabetes, If a person has a child with another Black person, then that will only increase their chances of getting it because the other parent has the same risk. But if that person had a child with someone of another race, then their likelihood of getting it is cut in half.

A child can also inherit the best from both parents in terms of genes and traits as well.

A child can benefit from both cultures because it will help them understand themselves and people better. Also, a child that has been brought up in a diverse household is less likely to be ignorant and more accepting of others when they grow up.

Also, what are you talking about both sides? Life is what you make of it.

Love is love and it comes in all colors, shapes and sizes.
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