Current Anime Watching

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- Persona 4 the golden animation 
- Sword Art Online II
- Akame ga Kill 
- Zankyou no Terror

I think I finished Tokyo Ghoul at episode 12 but if that's where the anime ends, I'm a bit disappointed... 
Marc said:
- Persona 4 the golden animation 
- Sword Art Online II
- Akame ga Kill 
- Zankyou no Terror

I think I finished Tokyo Ghoul at episode 12 but if that's where the anime ends, I'm a bit disappointed... 
hows Zankyou no Terror?

I'm watching black blood brothers right now.
Demon_Skeith said:
so what did you think of danga?
I thought I told you already :P It's okay but I wanted it to be more shocking :/ I heard the game makes the anime look like crap tho .-.

And I'm currently watching No Game No Life. 
- Devil Survivor 2 the animation
- Seirei no Moribito
- Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu (one more episode to watch I  think)
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