Daily GL General Chat

I was gonna say I think Pichu is thirsty.
Read this lol

Japanese app that measures breast size using a smartphone


A bizarre new app from Japan promises to tell women their bra size simply by putting a smartphone between their breasts .

The "ChiChi" app is slated to launch in January and, according to its developers, uses the smartphone's camera and sensor in order to detect a women's bust size.

The team behind the self-modelled "healthcare app" reckons that 80% of women in the world are not wearing the correct size bra .

A feminist group in Japan has spoken out against the app, labelling it: "something designed by men that women will have to pay for even though they don't really need it."

"A woman can tell instinctively if a bra fits her or not. That is why you don't see reports from doctors around the world about women complaining of chafing, itching or discomfort from 'wrong' bra sizes," the group said.

Now when are the feminists going to complain about dating apps that only support women in the market and not the men because women always get all they say? tsk tsk If I were a man I'd support this business because the men pay for everything the women ask of them.

Wondy got turned into clay in recent World's Finest #3 comic a callback to Wonder Woman's origin story
Is that a spoof on Dr. Doom? Like wth.

And in other news, I've got this cough that just won't go away.
I was gonna say I think Pichu is thirsty.

Is that a spoof on Dr. Doom? Like wth.

Well with that PLOT it's hard not to get thirsty lol

Well Dr. Alchemy is also an old villain. though not a famous one.
Just spent almost half a day going through old saved passwords on Chrome, changing simple passwords and removing sites I don't use anymore. Everything is on Bitwarden now as well. Never want to do that again
Nop. We have free dental healthcare until you're an adult so I guess that helps in keeping your teeth healthy and problem-free.

Ooooor, you don't eat much sweets or drink bad drinks?

Just spent almost half a day going through old saved passwords on Chrome, changing simple passwords and removing sites I don't use anymore. Everything is on Bitwarden now as well. Never want to do that again

I so badly need to do this with my firefox, so so soooo many old bookmarks that I know that are dead.
Ooooor, you don't eat much sweets or drink bad drinks?

I so badly need to do this with my firefox, so so soooo many old bookmarks that I know that are dead.
Sweets, quite a lot. I don't drink any fizzy drinks much anymore. But even with the sweets, it's not an absurd amount that will destroy my teeth so I guess that has helped.

It's a pain but once you finish getting it done, it's extremely satisfying!
NES PLOT bra lol
Saw this lol

Saw new Faye PLOT figure:
