PlayStation Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part II: Rebirth

Aerith's VA Briana White asking questions to fans lol
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Saw nice FF7R Themesong video:
Sidequest board:

  • Stolen Rare Card
    • Client: Master losing in a row
    • Location: Kalm, The Rusty Arrow Bar
    • I lost at Queen’s Blood and my most important, rare card was taken…Please, can somebody get it back for me?
  • Kalm’s Lifeline
    • Client: Kalm Mayor
    • Location: Kalm, In front of the abandoned tank
    • The transportation pipe is the lifeline of our precious Mako tank. The damage seems to be from a monster. Can somebody please give me an emergency repair?
  • A Monster that Attacks Livestock
    • Client: A farmer who loves nature
    • Location: Grassland, Oliver Farm
    • I’m in trouble because my livestock have been attacked by monsters. At this rate, I might go out of business. If you have any skill in tracking, can you please help me out?