PlayStation Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part II: Rebirth

Livestream 8 minutes to go!

Whats it showing?
Whats it showing?
so far nothing new yet. and no stream translation. dang it.

So there's Advanced Mode from the start.

they showed a multiple Choice question about Tifa lol

I picked the right answer despite not knowing what it was lmao

Dang that was disappointing no new trailer.
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So Tifa Has a musical scene too confirmed in the game nice! depends on Cloud's affection level and choices and there will be new stuff with Costa Del Sol. And they still haven't shown Tifa's PLOT bikini! Dang It!

-Costa del Sol serves as an interlude to the serious story's backdrop and will contain a completely new story that is not present in the original game

-Player choice affects how certain cutscenes will play out as well as your affinity rank with each of your companions. This will affect who you go on a date with at the Gold Saucer and who will be in the LOVELESS musical.

-You can replay the game with Chapter select to try to get other responses, allowing for endless possibilities

-Affinity is also affected by the sidequests you take on with your companions and how you partner with them in battle

-Chocobo Gold Feathers allow you to exchange gear at the Chocobo Farm to improve your chocobo's abilities during the Chocobo Races.

-Summons function pretty much in the same way as they did in FF7 Remake, but in Rebirth you can also improve their materia with Chadley that will unlock abilities or increase their stats as well

-Character pair combo moves and special combo moves are different, the combo moves are when the character can assist you through actions in battle while special moves function much like abilities where both characters team up to do a large move.

-The demo is the Taipei Game Show 2024 only (for now) lol
on the gondola date lol

Hamaguchi: We know everyone is very interested with the Gondola Date Event at the Gold Saucer. The FF7 Rebirth imagining of the Date Scene compared to the OG FF7 is quite different, with an intricate and dynamic event that starts from the musical play you partake in [LOVELESS]. Since the musical happens before you get on the gondola, we made sure to create something extravagant for this. We also added companions who were not in the original gondola date options, so we think that people will be really happy with what we did with this scene when they experience it for themselves!
Rebirth Vinyl unboxing video:

It's all about the money dum dum da da dum dum lol

Big game size mainly because of the fmvs. like the first game. and Remake Tifa's PLOT size! lol

Next gen Tifa's PLOT on the go lol albeit with some downgrade lol

We all know the plot in the game is a good TB of data lol.
  • Haha
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Latest Britt Baron Tifa's VA interview:

HI Britt. Your character, Tifa, is one of the most popular in the game. Why do you think that is?

I think Tifa is so beloved because she’s so multidimensional. I think she’s incredibly empathetic, she’s passionate, she’s kind and a motherly figure to a lot of the other characters.

She’s very relatable, at least to me - probably because I spent so many hours voicing her, I find her incredibly relatable. And I think that her ability to want justice, but also to care about all of the morals behind what they’re doing makes her stand out amongst this whole story and plotline.

And I think that she’s really dimensional, fully written. I think that’s why this game is so successful - because all of the characters are really fully fleshed out. They’re realistic humans and I think Tifa definitely is one of those.

Obviously, this isn’t your first time voicing the character. How did you find the reaction to FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE and your performance in that game?

I think the reaction to REMAKE was crazy and incredible. I wasn’t that well versed with the game going in and people in my life tried to warn me, but I was just really blown away.

I think the stakes were so high, so it’s really scary as an actor because all of these fans hold this game so dear to their heart, they grew up playing it. I mean, how can you ever live up to expectations?

So, I was just really blown away and grateful because you always want to do the fans justice and you want to do the character justice because she’s so beloved by so many people. So, the pressure I felt… (laughs).

But the reaction was amazing. It was also mid COVID, so it was a really fun time in a really dark moment of the world.

When did you realize just how much expectation there is for your portrayal of Tifa?

It was strange because when I found out I was cast, I had auditioned for a few roles in FINAL FANTASY, so I didn’t at first even know who I was cast as. And once I told my husband, he was the one that was like: “You are Tifa!!!!”. And that kind of began the journey of” “Wow, I have really big shoes to fill.”

This always happens with any project I’m a part of: when you you’re filming it, when you’re recording it, it feels all very intimate, safe, and protected. You’re working with the creative team in a very intimate setting. And it’s not until when you’re about to wrap up, you realize: Oh my gosh, this baby that we’ve been working on is going to be released into the world. And you hope you hope it’ll be received well.

I think you just try to do the best in the moment and do your best work as an actor. But I try not to focus so much on the pressure in the moment when we’re recording. I think afterwards, once it’s out of my hands, that’s when I start to get a little more anxious. Which probably is bad, but that’s my method (laughs).

How has Tifa changed between FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE and REBIRTH?

We see a lot more of her backstory in REBIRTH. We get to go back to some of Tifa’s trauma and see more of why she is the way she is, and what vengeance she is seeking; and also trying to figure out her own past - what’s true and what isn’t. And she’s working through that with Cloud.

I think it’s more muddied, and I don’t want to say ‘darker’, but the stakes feel higher in this game. The first game was more of an introduction, and I think we really delve deep in REBIRTH.

You also play a younger version of Tifa in this game. How did you have to change your performance for this?

To voice young Tifa was slightly challenging because I’m already an alto and just regular aged Tifa is already in a higher placement for me. So, playing young Tifa, I had to figure out how to go even higher. To get technical, it was just placing my voice more to the front of my mouth.

We really rely on our directors too. So, Kirk Thornton is amazing, and he really helped me stay the course as young Tifa. But we were jumping all around, so it’s definitely a challenge - a fun challenge - as an actor.

Is there a particular scene in FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE that you were particularly proud of?

My favorite scene to play in REMAKE, might have been on the train when Tifa saves one of the Shinra employees.

It was such a high action paced, intense scene. We recorded it early on, and I think that it really illuminates who Tifa is as a human. It encapsulates who she is, so I really enjoyed that. And I think it was one of those pivotal scenes where I really got to solidify what voice I was using, who she was as a character and my portrayal.

Do you have a favorite scene in FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH?

It might have been with Tifa and Cloud. I think it’s pretty emotional. It was one of the earlier scenes that we recorded, and at that time we were recording Japanese hours, so it was really late night in Los Angeles which, when you get a little tired, feels even more intimate.

She’s trying to express her feelings for Cloud, She’s trying to figure out what’s going on with him and I think those kind of scenes are really fun for me because a lot of our recording is so disjointed and that was one of the instances in REBIRTH where I got to record the scene start to finish, and Cody might have already recorded.

Sometimes they’ll play his lines for me, which is also really nice and helpful because I’m then playing off of him, which I think I did get to do in that scene.

What’s the most challenging thing about playing Tifa?

One of the most challenging things about playing Tifa is making everyone happy. I mean, it’s a hard challenge to come in as an actor and play a character that so many people have different opinions of and different emotional attachments to, and different ideas of how she should sound or how she should react to certain moments.

Just navigating, doing the fans justice, and also doing myself justice in terms of relying on my own choices as an actor, and with our directors, is the fun balancing act of being a part of such a massive game with such a huge history, versus a completely new IP.

That’s one of the fun challenges of her. And I think she’s very dynamic, so some days you’re doing efforts and really loud. She’s in her warrior mode and fighter mode. And other days it’s these really emotional scenes that are so quiet and intimate.

So, that juxtaposition is also super-challenging because you’re really jumping from one mode to the next when you’re recording. But it’s fun!

How did you overcome that challenge and balance that softness and fierceness?

Just through my training as an actor! I don’t want to speak for all of us, but this is kind of why you want to become an actor. You want to play the high highs and the low lows.

That’s one of the best parts of getting to be part of a game like this and getting to play a character like this. I get the opportunity to get really soft and grounded and intimate, and have these emotional scenes, and these super high stakes…

And we get to do these really silly, fun side quests, we’re joking around in scenes and we’re fighting. It’s a challenge - I’m not sure how I navigate it other than to just be in the moment and believe in the given circumstances.

Acting 101 (laughs).

What’s your favorite thing about playing Tifa?

My favorite thing about playing Tifa is her kindness. When she gets to be really empathetic and is leading with her heart and her moral compass, those are kind of my favorite scenes. That’s when I feel like Tifa shines as a human and those are the scenes that I just personally really enjoy recording.

As a martial artist, Tifa has to make a lot of grunts, or ‘efforts’. Is this a physical task for you? How do you approach it?

I think I am acting it out a little bit, however you can’t move much because you don’t want to move off mic. Voice acting is super-technical, especially for my character. It’s very different than John (Eric Bentley) playing… (thinks) Barret… (bursts out laughing) Oh my God, I forgot his character’s name! I’m like “Who does that guy play again?”

John Eric Bentley: Did somebody say your name!?

Britt Baron: (laughing) Ok, let me go back. What was the question again?


Oh yeah! When I’m recording Tifa’s efforts I’m absolutely standing up. I can’t sit down to do that. It’s very technical - you can’t move off mic. So, as much as I wish I could really be throwing punches or kicks, you can’t. It’s just about being grounded.

Also, our director Kirk, really helps me because it’s very easy when you’re doing, like 100 efforts to just keep doing the same sound over and over again. So sometimes you really do need an extra ear to be like” “Okay, try something with your mouth closed”, or “Maybe you’re pulling yourself up or you’re pulling yourself down”. Because otherwise it can get really repetitive.

We have a great team behind us, which I’m very grateful for.

What is your favorite memory of recording FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH?

I got to bring my dog to a recording session in the second game, and that was really fun! She did ruin a few takes snoring, but besides that, it was just really fun to have her with me.

And, you know, she can’t spoil anything because she did sign an NDA. That was a fun memory, though, for me.

Other than Tifa, are there any other game characters that you’d really love to play?

I don’t have a ton of gaming experience. However, I did spend many hours playing Mario Kart on N64. And even to this day, even on the Switch where there’s all these new characters, I only play as Yoshi, I actually will not play the game if I’m not Yoshi.

So, I guess I would say Yoshi. Not that I can do an impression. Please don’t ask me to do that!

Please can you do an impression of Yoshi?

(Laughing) Oh no!


(Everyone cheers at the surprisingly spot-on impression)

Did I get the part?

Sadly, not one of our games. What aspects of Tifa do you wish you had in real life?

Getting to see my voice behind these insane moves that Tifa is performing is pretty incredible. I like to take some of her abilities and pretend that I could do that because I was cast to portray that. So, I will take her strength and talent and pretend that I can do that. Even though I can’t.

But I did grow up as a dancer, so, you know, that’s something (laughs). I can’t do backflips and land on my feet, but in this game I can and it’s pretty cool to see my voice alongside that.

I live vicariously through Tifa.

Who would you say are your personal favorite characters in FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH?

Oh, I don’t know… it might be Aerith. Or Yuffie. Both of them are so fun. Not that Tifa’s not fun, but I love that Aerith gets to be kind of sarcastic and bold and she’s really confident. Same with Yuffie - they both bring that energy. I think Tifa is a little more grounded.

What message would you give to fans about the upcoming FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH?

My message to fans is… oh god, how much can I spoil?

Ok, my message to fans is to be excited, be open-minded because I think we have some really fun surprises, and I think we also have some awesome fan service that will make everyone happy. I’m hoping, knock on wood (taps her own head).

Let’s not jinx anything, but I’m really proud. I think it’s a really exciting new chapter and we’ve really expanded this world.