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Isn't it crazy that it's already the end of the mid point of the week. We're so close to Friday already even though it feels like we just started the week!
Counting down the days to the end of the lockdown. Can't wait to get a proper haircut and finally be able to go on holiday in the Summer
Hopefully, there would be fewer Covid19 lockdown restrictions in a few months, so many people can enter a store at once, eat meals with many people at a restaurant, and sit next to friends at a movie theater and indoor events like gaming conventions.
Very jealous. It's made me appreciate them a lot more as well since our attempts at haircuts haven't always gone well :tearsofjoy:
Not too bad of a weekend although it felt like it went way too fast. I hate Mondays so not looking forward to that
Very jealous. We've had some pretty boring weather recently where it either rains or is just dull and grey :(
I finally have internet again! It went out Sunday morning around 10 and it didn't get fixed until yesterday, but I was still having problems connecting to it and somehow it's even slower than usual. But at least I have some internet now opposed to not having it at all or having to watch videos on my tiny phone screen.
Had a pretty decent day today. Client messed up something from their end so I basically had no work today whilst they tried to sort it out!
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