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Friday! So happy that it's the weekend but unfortunately it won't be a relaxing one. Got so much work to do so that should be a lot of fun
I am back.
I don't think anyone noticed my absence and I am not feeling well all that much... Well still...

need you to post on the gaming award post please.
Saw a new spider species named Nemo video:
And it's the end of the weekend already. Can't wait for the week though because I'm going to have a very nice and long weekend next week.
We just had our clocks go forward too so I've now got one less hour of sleep :(
Saw this lol Slowpoke on Mail Box:
Saw this a 91-year old cop still active:
saw Tekken 7 motion capture video:
It's a long weekend! I'm only going back to work next Wednesday which is great. Looking forward to some lovely downtime.
I've been trying to get some work done on my forum for weeks now. Never get around to it :laughing:
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