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You need 2000 to 3,500mg of potassium per day though. and eating too much bananas/fruits will give you sugar level issues so the rest should be from veggies.

Ha! You have no idea how much candy I eat :)

Happy Tuesday everyone. It's my final day off so I'm going to try and enjoy it as much as possible. It's going to be fun trying to wake up early tomorrow

Last day off dread always sucks.
Name one thing that is too much that won't kill you :p
True Balance is the key like yin and yang lol.

On as serious note, High sugar level is not good for the body, when your blood sugar goes up above 200, your white blood cells can't fight really well. And that weakens your immune system and thus gets you sick more easily, like easily getting the flue.
True Balance is the key like yin and yang lol.

On as serious note, High sugar level is not good for the body, when your blood sugar goes up above 200, your white blood cells can't fight really well. And that weakens your immune system and thus gets you sick more easily, like easily getting the flue.

well good thing I don't eat much as I used to, had to cut back since I went to a sitting job.
Saw new official Okami's Amaterasu figure pic:
Saw nice DCS F-15 Eagle Video, haven't flown the Eagle for quite some time now, been flying the F-14B Tomcat and the F/A-18c Hornet for very long combat flight hours in their story campaigns, The Eagle needs some love lol:
My head hurts a lot these days.
Well, today anyway but I got a new job offer so I don't have to worry about office work too much after sometime
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